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[SmackDown Digital Exclusive] Cody Rhodes honors his father Dusty Rhodes in Madison Square Garden
  • Belts by Dan throws some shade on this segment...

    Belts By Dan @BeltsByDan Not the same belt, and congratulations to Cody on getting Dave Millican to complete an order, meanwhile dozens of paid in full customers have been waiting over 10 years for their belts.

  • Dijak talks on SRS's podcast about how WWE does releases now and how most talent find out they've been fired from SRS/Twitter, and not from WWE themselves.
  • Has anyone else ever corroborated this happening? I find this extremely hard to believe based on Dijak alone. JTG is on record claiming he never answered his phone if it was a number from Connecticut because he knew what would happen. We also know that others find out online like Woods finding out about Tyler, but I'm not sure I've seen another worker say this.

    Edit: I did a basic google search and Nash says this happened to him in 2014 after his arrest for fighting with his son, nobody called him but the news said he had been fired.

    Lio Rush says when WWE was doing mass layoffs he called the office and asked them if he was on the list so he wouldn't have to find out online.

    So, yes this shit apparently has happened and that's really messed up.

  • Luchablog's latest blog post explaining the Rush/CMLL situation + Lucha Bros getting booked for Forbidden Door
  • i do care about toni and mina idc about the tnt title match (or to be frank at this point, the tnt title)

    This is the only match I even remotely care for at this point, and the show is Tomorrow! Forbidden Door is just a bust at this point, it was cool the first time around, but it's no longer what some of us want to see.

    And that dogshit bad rating was... 502,000 viewers and a .16 for the Demo, insanely low, but it did come back up to 680k and a .22 demo this week.

  • DIJAK set to leave WWE
  • Well shit, I had high hopes for him, I hope wherever he may land he does good things, he's huge and pretty decent in the ring, better than some big people out there.

  • Mrs. Uno: I am heartbroken to announce that I can no longer be β€œMrs. Uno”. (more)
  • Their banter is one of the things I like about Mystery Wrestling, I hope it's not the end, but if it is, godspeed NotMrsUno.

  • Anyone tried Pro Wrestling Sim?
  • It's changed a lot since I bought it, it's a decent game that is somewhere between EWR and TEW and maybe some PromWars too. I can't say features and community mod-wise that it's better than TEW but it's being worked on where Ryland says there are no plans for a new game in his series. It does look and I think function better as well. I don't regret spending $20 on it, but I certainly don't play it a lot.

  • Sika of the Wild Samoans has passed away
  • I'm not tech savy enough to figure out how to embed tweets, so here's a link and a copy and paste of the text for those that won't go... Twitter.

    Roman Reigns @WWERomanReigns My family and I thank everyone for the outpouring of support in the name of my father, Pola'ivao Leati Sika Anoa’i, who will forever be remembered as one half of The Wild Samoans tag team. My father had a profound impact on my entire family and we are forever grateful for the foundation he built for us. There’s no way to fill the void left by his passing but my sisters and I will do our best to represent him and his legacy.

    Rest in Power, Dad. We love you.

  • SquaredCircle’s Weekly Pro-Wrestling Discussion Thread! (June 23rd 2024) (Spoilers)
  • Dave Scherer of PWInsider has had enough...

    Some supposed reporters went on their Raw post game show and stated, as fact, that Pat not being there was a work. It was not, obviously.

    Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez you owe the business an apology. You clearly had no legitimate source to cite for what you said, but you stated it as fact anyway. You make a hard job for reporters even harder. You need to do better.

    There's more in the full article, put on your best adblocker, block javascript, and head on over to see it, Scherer's Q&A column has been taking Meltz to task for a few months now, but this is his hardest hit at the Observer I've seen.

  • Sika of the Wild Samoans has passed away
  • For some light humor at this time...

    He left a legacy that culminated into making WWE it's most popular since the Attitude Era, and had a damn fine career before then. Man, I thought he was doing better didn't he just get to go home after surgery or rehab? I feel for his kids.

  • Jeff Jarrett Details Filming Emotional Owen Hart Video, How Much It Meant To Him
  • I'll cop to being the Triple H and Jeff Jarrett fan in their respective reigns of terror... but before this video there is no way I would have said he should win, but for the love of God, let this man win the Owen.

  • NSFW
    (TMZ) Photo's of 2 Cold Scorpio's Victim Post-Attack
  • If I were on a jury there is no way I'd rule that was self-defense. This looks flat out criminal.

  • WWE has launched a new youtube channel, WWE Vault, featuring some classic matches and special content
  • I'm worried this is going to happen, once that automated AI robot known as Content ID gets involved, it's likely to get ugly for channels showing older content.

  • [PWInsider] Jamie Kellner, Exec Who Canceled WCW Television, Passes Away
  • I'd argue so long as they kept one time slot, and I'd have given them 6:05 on Saturday Night, they likely could have pulled through the tough times, maybe never getting back to being huge, but they'd still be around today, IMO. I think TNA proves that a dogshit company from that time period would have been capable of surviving with a financial backer.

    I'll agree Bischoff was seemingly a one trick pony and would have gone to the nWo well again and it would have failed, especially if we assume Turner's UWC kept paying the big names like Nash and Sting not to work, like they did when WWF bought WCW. I also don't believe Fusient would have kept him on as President if he continued stinking things up, they were a venture capitalist company after all, meaning they were likely cutthroat bastards.

  • [SmackDown Spoilers] And now: Another one!
  • Leaving the point for the High Chief I see... because it's clearly The Rock calling the shots.

  • [PWInsider] Jamie Kellner, Exec Who Canceled WCW Television, Passes Away
  • He worked to bring FOX into existence in the '80s, he helped get Married With Children and The Simpson's on the air among others. After leaving FOX he helped to create The CW, including shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 7th Heaven, and Felicity, which were almost all big hits in their day. Sure he killed some of the best Cartoons ever, see my avatar... but he was also highly influential in the TV industry long before he killed things I loved. Even towards the end his Acme Group had petitioned the FCC to deny Fox's renewal of a station in Philly because of their election lies, he wasn't all bad, he just happened to be the killer of things I liked.

  • [PWInsider] Jamie Kellner, Exec Who Canceled WCW Television, Passes Away
  • He was very influential for good reasons in Television, but he really is the reason WCW died, no amount of WWE propaganda will change my mind, if he had kept the TV product on a Turner station, Fusient/Bischoff wouldn't have pulled out.

  • [PWInsider] Jamie Kellner, Exec Who Canceled WCW Television, Passes Away

    Broadcasting Executive Jamie Kellner, who helped to launch both FOX and the now defunct WB Network passed away this weekend according to multiple reports, including Variety.

    In the professional wrestling periphery, Kellner is best known as the executive who took over Turner Broadcasting after parent company Time Warner merged with AOL - making the decision to cancel World Championship Wrestling programming, including Monday Nitro on TNT, Thunder on TBS and WCW Saturday Night.

    (Fightful Select) Lio Rush to be regularly featured on AEW programming going forward, and creative plans have already been mapped out for him
  • Oh yeah, I forgot about some of that, all I could remember for sure was he was there and gone and did some work in NJPW and TNA.

  • (Fightful Select) Lio Rush to be regularly featured on AEW programming going forward, and creative plans have already been mapped out for him
  • So, is this a return from the sidelines or did he leave the company and then return now, I'm confused because he was featured at one time, right?

  • Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs
  • Why won't those people vote against the religious legislative class? Are they outnumbered?

    For a lot of people religion is like a salad bar or buffet, they pick and choose the parts they like and ignore the ones they don't. That seems to extend towards their politicians, be my brand of religion and policy and I'll let you do almost anything because at least you aren't that other person.

  • [PWInsider] Ricochet Will Exit WWE has confirmed with multiple sources that WWE's Ricochet has given notice that he intends to exit the company when his current contract expires this summer. We are told that Ricochet is expected to be written out of WWE storylines very soon in advance of the contract expiration. Ricochet is currently part of WWE's Raw brand.


    One source we spoke with said they were giving Ricochet "all the credit in the world for betting on himself." One would think he'll quickly be a hot commodity as a free agent.

    [PWInsider] Eddie Kingston Injury Update, It's Not Good (Tore ACL/Miniscus Too)

    > Kingston suffered a tibular fracture working for New Japan Pro Wrestling several weeks back in California. > >Kingston confirmed that he suffered tears to his ACL and meniscus as well. They will require surgery. > >While Kingston had hoped to be back by AEW's All In: London, his post-surgery recovery will likely mean he will be out closer to nine months.

    [PWInsider] Cash Wheeler Case Dismissed, Prosecutors Don't Want to Go to Trial

    Next week's scheduled trial against AEW's Daniel "Cash" Wheeler will not go forward, has confirmed.

    This afternoon, the Prosecutor's office filed "Nolle Prosequi."

    The Latin phrase is used in court records as a legal notice that the Prosecution in a legal case has opted to drop and abandon the case. There is no word as to why the Prosecutors made that decision or why it took them until the week before the trial to drop prosecution.

    As of this morning, there was a pre-trial hearing set for tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM and a trial slated for 5/20. All of that has been canceled. Wheeler's bond has been released and the case was officially closed as of 3 PM this afternoon.

    WWE Releases - 04/19/2024 [PWInsider]

    PWInsider and Tweets by Talents report...

    Jinder Mahal Released | Tweet

    Xyon Quinn Released

    Xia Li Released | Tweet

    As Pointed out by GeekFTW... SRS has reported Veer and Sanga have been released.

    [PWInsider] Vince McMahon Puts All Remaining Shares in TKO up for Sale

    TKO Group filed a SEC filing this evening, revealing that all of Vince McMahon's remaining stock in TKO Group are now registered for sale, potentially opening the door for McMahon to exit as an owner if all of the stock is eventually sold.

    McMahon currently holds about 5% of the stock and has been greatly selling off stock since his resignation for the company, building a massive cash warchest.

    More info from WrestleNomics.

    Chelsea Green Removed from Hotel; Accused of being Escort

    TMZ Covers it More In Depth.

    CHELSEA GREEN Verified

    @ImChelseaGreen Man… one night you’re wrestling at Barclays Center, having the time of your life and the next you’re being kicked out of @FairmontHotels and accused of being an escort because of your outfitπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« Life is funny! Maybe next year I won’t celebrate Wrestlemania weekend at The Plaza Hotel LOL…

    [PWInsider] AEW Talent Releases has confirmed the following AEW talents were released today:

    -The Tate Twins aka Dalton Castle's Boys.

    -AnthonyΒ Henry.

    -Stu Grayson.


    -Dasha Fuentes.

    -Slim J.

    -Parker Bordeaux.

    -Jose The Assistant.

    -Jora Johl.

    In speaking to several sources, we are told AEW is currently evaluating their talent roster and making cuts to benefit both the company and the talents.Β  The belief is the released talents would be 100% free agents immediately.

    We are told this was likely the complete list of talents who were cut today.Β  No word if additional names will also be released.

    [ESPN] 'That's what makes it magic': The inside story on WWE's fan-driven WrestleMania pivot 'That's what makes it magic': The inside story on WWE's fan-driven WrestleMania pivot

    The Rock's return and the road to WrestleMania 40 has been fantastic, but it wasn't the way it was originally planned.

    'That's what makes it magic': The inside story on WWE's fan-driven WrestleMania pivot

    > The Rock's return and the road to WrestleMania 40 has been fantastic, but it wasn't the way it was originally planned.

    [TMZ] AEW's Darby Allin Breaks Foot, Postpones Everest Climb AEW's Darby Allin Breaks Foot Week Before Mt. Everest Attempt

    AEW star Darby Allin's Mt. Everest trip has been postponed ... 'cause the wrestler broke three bones in his foot right before he was slated to make the climb.

    AEW's Darby Allin Breaks Foot Week Before Mt. Everest Attempt

    AEW star Darby Allin's Mt. Everest trip has been postponed ... 'cause the wrestler broke three bones in his foot right before he was slated to make the climb.

    TMZ Sports has learned ... Allin suffered the injury less than two minutes into his match against "Switchblade" Jay White at AEW Dynamite on Wednesday ... when he attempted a front flip off the top rope.

    [PWInsider] CJ Perry & Miro Separate, Perry Comments reported this evening that former WWE and current AEW stars Miro and CJ Perry have split up.

    Perry told, "Miro and I have made the difficult decision to separate after many wonderful years together, and have decided to move on as friends, and hopefully onscreen characters somewhere down the road."

    The report states that Miro has moved back to Bulgaria. sends our best wishes to all involved.

    [PWInsider] WWE Partners with Wheatley Vodka as the "Official Vodka of WrestleMania XL"

    As part of the deal, according to SBJ, "Wheatley will also be presenting sponsor of a yet-untitled, six-part content series on WWE social/digital channels featuring WrestleMania headliner Cody "The American Nightmare" Rhodes interviewing other WWE stars. A Wheately-branded tour bus will be in the series."

    A Farewell to The Icon Sting

    Since Kbin is shitting the bed and you opened up here... let's kick off one of the saddest days in professional wrestling with an excellently produced video.

    Brain JelloBrains
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