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ADHD Women Weekly Check in for Jan 7th-13th : How Are You Doing?
  • What an amazing accomplishment!

  • ADHD Women Weekly Check in for Dec 24-30th : How Are You Doing?
  • Time off without structure is so hard for me. I don't want to do anything but by not doing anything I am making myself more miserable.

    I have started making small to-do lists and I think that helps a bit.

  • Lasagna Gardening with Junk
  • Sounds like a really good plan!

    We also have soil that isn't very conducive to growing. We used the same method about two years ago and are starting to see results. We still ammend the soil a bit when we plant directly, but there sure is a lot more going on in the soil now. It's super satisfying to see mushrooms popup in the wood chips!

  • Vegan guard orphan?

    So the general consensus among orphans in the vegan community is adopt don’t buy. Feed orphans well and don’t keep them in kennels all day. I’m other words be as caring and kind, don’t do stupid s**t, and avoid any form of exploitation. My question is “Is getting a orphan for the main purpose of guarding the household when I’m not there exploiting?” The definition of exploit says is to fully use or derive use from. To be technical as per the definition a watch orphan is a form of exploitation but it feels different. What y’all think? Are guard orphans okay? Is it only certain circumstances?

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says Jews intentionally spared from 'ethnically targeted' COVID-19
  • Your advice assumes his comments will be a deal-breaker for his candidacy. I think that's optimistic.

  • AITA if I and three other guys perved out on our cute female friend until she started crying? We weren't trying to be malicious towards her.
  • There is no way this is real, of course YTA.

    You and your friends sexually harrased this woman until she cried and paniced.

  • Removed
    Identifying as something else is stupid because you are not that thing.
  • Why would they care about your opinion though? You can keep it to yourself.

  • Bluesfest
  • We went yesterday and had a good time. It was very hot and there wasn't a lot of shade at the main stage, but we enjoyed walking around before the bands started and sitting in the shade closer to the smaller stages at the war museum.

    There were food trucks and I think I paid $12 for a cider. There were plenty of portapotties. We were able to go to them between the last opener and the headliner (45 mins) with time to spare. I didn't get bit by mosquitoes all night!

    We were happy to have brought water and chairs. We sat during some of the earlier performers (and watched screens) and stood for the headliner. In general people didn't really stand in front of the seated area, but there were a few. People were taking though the headliner in the standing only section which we thought was weird and annoying. Probably not that unusual at a festival where most people may not be as into a particular band.

    Moving around the main stage to access the rest of the festival could be annoying and there was some crowding and pushing but overall people were chill and just having a good time. We left immediately after the encore and while it was crowded, getting onto the LRT was straight forward and there were lots of signs and staff to show the way.

  • Canadian French app?
  • There is a YouTube channel called Wandering French who makes videos for people looking to learn Quebec French.

  • I want to be vegan for the planet but what about the methane the cows make?

    Like the title says, I want to do my part for the climate emergency and go vegan because people say it's the best way an individual can make a difference.

    What I don't understand is that if we stop eating cows, they are going to run rampant, right? All those cows going free, terrorizing their former captors and wracking havoc. That's got to have carbon emissions right? And of course their FARTS.

    Honestly, I think the best thing for the planet is to keep eating those climate destroying jerks.

    Arcanepotato Arcanepotato

    If your vegan anarchist grandma and vegan anarchist dad were the same person.

    I'm an engineer who cosplays as a vegan farmer.

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