AngryishHumanoid @ AngryishHumanoid Posts 3Comments 285Joined 1 yr. ago
It's too late, they already ruined Johnny Damon.
I'm going to second the need for practice, that is much more valuable than the gun itself. Having said that, OP please go to a range to try out guns BEFORE you purchase one. You just don't know how a gun will feel/fire in your hands until you use it. By no means is this a "my preferred brand is better" rant, when I went to buy my first gun I did a lot of research and had it narrowed down to 2 guns, and 1 just never felt "good" when I tried it out at the range, the other felt much, much better. Most ranges will charge you a gun rental fee at the range but you should then be able to try several at 1 session.
Without knowing more about their usual procedures regarding what they state is the "biggest" issue reported by those they've polled and whether they are writing the article how they normally would I cannot agree whether they are intentionally trying to normalize anything, so we'll have to agree to disagree.
It wasn't until the last bit that I could tell it was satire, and even then I'm not quite 100% sure.
The problem here is what I consider the intentional too-narrow-a-point focus that our legal system has been moved towards to make it easier to get away with things. For emergency relief the party being harmed has to ask for it. The parties asking for emergency relief are not the people being fired, therefore are not the parties being harmed. It's stupid but she has to rule based on how the law works, which is hilarious that only one side has to play by the rules but I digress. She is giving them the opening to show to the court the harm being done to specific people for her to rule differently.
Boob joke, house with a face comment or Star Wars reference, I can't decide!
"These aren't the titty-face houses you're looking for."
Nailed it, no regrets.
On the one hand yes, I agree that's the worst part, on the other hand polling is an actual data science. Legit polling organizations don't just pull shit out of nowhere. If they say "due to the economy" they mean there is a correlation between people with a negative attitude towards Trump and people who say their biggest concern is the economy. And this makes sense because let's be honest, most Democrats already dislike him for other reasons, so the people who are just NOW changing their opinion on him are likely to be for money reasons since that's the current thing going on.
That's nothing, my kid did at least 4 times that yesterday, in Terraria.
Ug, why can't people tell new stories anymore? Everything is a reboot or a sequel. This is just the Trump story with a slightly happier ending since Bolsonaro might actually face consequences.
I've not often seen such a perfectly on the nose example of a slippery slope argument, so I guess thank you for that.
I see nothing wrong with this /shrug
We should do a control test first, to see if that will work. I suggest we start by you sending me a giant bag o'weed labeled as "cheese".
So this is what it's like when planes collide.
Do they sell in any stores in Utah?
Look it's fine, they pointed it AWAY from the warp core, what more do you want?
I know this comment is old but ACTCHUALLY if you search for the Marvel short "All Hail the King" that is where they first set up that there was a real Mandarin who was not happy about his name being taken. That came out 1 year after Iron Man 3, so the Shang Chi thing was always the plan.
Do you have any idea what the street value of those eggs was?!