Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content
Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content

Reddit says the “vast majority” of users won’t be affected.

Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content
Reddit says the “vast majority” of users won’t be affected.
Left because any form of critique gets you a ban. People rather look away from problems so they can say they don’t see any.
Friendly reminder that almost all news media outlets and social media platforms are owned by a handful of extremely wealthy individuals and they are in full control of the algorithm that feeds you content, so you'll likely never see anything that is critical of them or advocates for them to have less power or influence than they do.
This is the 2025 version of "The revolution won't be televised".
It's horrifying especially to think how Reddit never did anything about the fucked up things incels would say they wanted to do to underage girls and women, or the literally jailbait, racist, insanity they'd share. Basically that stuff was always okay, but if you want to defend yourself against your oppressor? Banned for upvoting despite you didn't even think the comment was "bannable".
15 years on reddit. Multiple accounts banned for slamming Nazis. So I'm here slamming Nazis. Long live Lemmy.
10 years on reddit, surprised about my comments never getting the same traction as identical comments. 3 days ban for insinuating a billionaire performing a Nazi salute may indeed be a Nazi, second ban for insinuating violent action sometimes needs to be taken in defense of democracy. Permaban for (politely and positively) judging the looks of someone that asked to be judged through a photography, and clearly needed lo lift up their self-esteem.
I rage quit reddit and delete my account that I opened long ago with the Google account I have recently cancelled.
I decide that maybe it deserves a second chance, so I create a new account with the email I account I host myself in my own server with my own domain.
The exact same comments I posted, with the exact same content and intention now get thousands of upvotes (so clearly, I had been shadowbanned for years)
Fuck them. Hello community, looking forward to have constructive interactions here.
And that is why I'm here now. Hello fellow travellers!
reddit died when it became a publicly traded company. now it is just another propaganda tool
Yeah that was my last straw with reddit
So the user who posts it can be banned and then the entire comment tree and upvoters. Selectively removing people/entire groups they don't want being visible and keep/promote the ones they do. AI trained on all of this to monitor the speech in real time. So basically no dissent ever being visible because it's removed before anyone can see and the user banned before they can let anyone know, a mass silent cyber gag.
At least that's how I see it being used. Here's a picture of my dog though.
Grateful to be here and help this place grow. I’m so over Reddit.
Thats some goddamn thought police shit.
Also tells you how goddamn awful the powers that be are, that the only way they can stop criticism of their badness is to ban anyone that even gives the lowest effort agreement with the criticism.
Reddit going full mask-off 1984 huh? Next thing it’ll be illegal to downvote things Reddit likes to push… Or why even bother with the votes anyway, Reddit will just show you only the things that it deems good for you, like the benevolent Big Brother.
Fuck that place.
Also: welcome to all our new members! “We’re Not Perfect, But At Least We’re Not Reddit!” (TM)
And now I'm here!
Which is why I'm here!
Reddit says the vast majority of users will not be affected Is that because the vast majority of users are bots? 🤔
Everybody upvote Luigi content! Get banned! Leave reddit! Reddit crumbles! Fuck reddit! Go Luigi! Lemmy grows! Centralized social media dies! I eat a burrito. That last one wasn't really on topic, but it's happening anyways! I'm hungry.
I've been banned twice in the past 30 days.
5 of my accts were banned last month, all at once. one got temp suspended, and a triggered a sitewide ban for the others for some "reason. theres no reason to ban all others when it was just temp suspended. but they went extra out of thier way(any old and new accts that have years of seperation between a subreddit ban(if they dint get banned immediately after getting sub banned) they banned accounts.
ex, i had 2 unused accts 5+years, and 1 recent temp suspension(then they look at other accts you were per banned from a subreddit in, and banned all of them). i had also a couple of unused throwaways that i started using from years ago(last month), and a semi-new acct that i use just in case of a ban that i dint use for 90days. and then 1 acct strictly used for 1 subreddit.
only 1 survived but its still flagged by reddit, but have no ban on it right now. creating mroe than 1 acct just puts people at risk of getting banned.
Already got permabanned for saying he was justified, I like it better here anyway
I got banned but their site is so shit the links to the message you got banned for never work. Been banned/warned enough times it's not a one off either.
Same here.
i pointed out the censoring of luigi news in dec, and people actually believed that wasnt happening, and having all that trump rage post slop thats been posting in order to astroturf luigi news.
I agree. And now want to be your friend.
And now here I am.
Reddit sets the threshold for violent content really low. At one point someone asked if a prisoner who is medically revived from the dead has served their life sentence, I answered that you have to be irrevocably dead, and admins said that promoted or glorified violence. I made no mention of violence whatsoever, nothing I said encouraged violence in any way, and somehow even on appeal they didn’t realize how ridiculous that was.
Citizen, you have been found guilty of wrong think!
Thought police will be dispatched.
Karma police will soon follow
Please report for reeducation
Does that mean spez is getting banned for being a mod on r/jailbait?
At this point being banned might be a good thing to drive home the point that also my favorite of the old corporate internet platforms should be avoided. I'm doing quite okay on staying away from Meta and have long deleted my Twitter account. I can't get myself do drop Reddit somehow. Seems like they're only helping me get off my addiction
Reminds me of back in 2013 when Reddit admins accidentally revealed that Eglin Air Force Base, a location often cited as the source of government social-media propaganda/astroturfing programs, was the most Reddit addicted city in the world.
To be fair, every Air Force base had higher than average Reddit usage back in the day. It was one of the few websites not blocked by default. I don't know when that changed, Because I was out before then.
But yes, there are also the propaganda teams.
I would expect Moscow or St Petersburg.
Because you’ve been propagandized to hell. A lot of people have. Which is why everyone lost their shit about “Russian interference” over a couple of shitty memes from Russian sources during an election, but didn’t seem to give a shit about electioneering from domestic propaganda sources.
You’re getting far more propaganda from your own country than any other foreign entity, I promise you.
I register on reddit 17 years ago. Before the great migration from digg. I remember /r/programming being the first sub to reach 100k subscribers.
I got banned for saying in the /r/europe sub that russia banning youtube in russia was a good thing because then we in the west would get less russian propaganda. Got banned for a couple days. Left and never looked back.
/r/programming is dead already since around a decade. All the good discussions moved to hackernews and lobsters.
EDIT: never forget that spez admitted to silently edit user comments that criticized him
Well, exactly the same can and is happening on specific Lemmy servers too.
One of the vegan instances bans you if you downvote anything that speaks in favour of veganism. Not that I just do this out of spite, but there was this time where a thread about vegan cat food gained traction and I downvoted some comments that were really borderline. Ban within an hour.
Same on that notorious star trek instance. Go ahead and put some downvotes on Discovery related posts, it will also earn you a temporary ban.
So let's not pretend that it's only big bad reddit doing this.
I feel like there's a difference between various moderators power-tripping on their own little fiefdoms, and a site wide policy.
A little, sure, but from my point of view (which you are happy to disagree with), very little.
Personally I am a big Star Trek fan. I was stoked to see there is an actual dedicated Lemmy server for it, with many communities focused around everything Star Trek. But I disagree with their admin/moderation so much I had to change my account to another server. At some point ended up blocking the whole instance because I just cannot keep myself to just reading what others are posting.
So even if I can use another server, I cannot use those communities. Similar if I were a vegan and would not agree with what some of the more extreme users are posting.
There are not many active alternatives for these communities on Lemmy.
Good point. The other important difference is that on Lemmy you can jump to a different server. Once you get banned on Reddit, that's it.
Vegan cat food? What the frak, poor cats.
Yeah. I'm a vegan and I took issue with that. Sure we can do scientific studies to see how cats do on vegan diets, but imo that further propels cat domestication which vegans should be against at the very beginning. We already subject cats and other pets to environments that aren't natural to their genetic history. And now vegans are introducing foods that aren't natural, even though taking cats off streets can be seen as the more ethical thing to do, given the alternatives.
Lots of nuance here, but it's not fair to the cats. Any time vegans think for themselves instead of the real victims of animal slavery, they undermine their entire cause.
Discovery is shit.
cant believe that show went on five seasons, and it got worst every season too, and the obvious objective kurtzman was evident by season 4(female leads were the only sex left on the cast), the only likable characther, was michelle yeohs performance(you can see the acting is better than the others). Picard also was like that(the show couldve been good if done right, but picard(patrick stewart) seemed too low energy for the show.
Never seen but just cause I am in edgy mood today: discovery is utter garbage. They should pay hefty health insurance to anyone who has seen it to cover therapy costs and eye surgery.
It’s so garbage that the dump trucks drivers get confused and arrive at people living rooms if they turn it on.
The only fitting spot for it is inside the latrine but wash it out as carefully after putting this shitty thing down the drain as if it was an especially nasty hangover poop
That was quite pleasurable to write
It had its moments, but everytime id start to like it theyd pull some shit that south park would make fun of
I got banned from a vegan group once because I responded to a person talking about how “non-vegans must be sociopaths to not care about all the suffering of animals as they scream in pain” or something like that. I responded with a link to a study that plants do in fact scream when being injured. We just can’t hear it. Apparently they didn’t like that, lol.
Edit to add: I didn’t just respond with a link. But something like “As much as I appreciate veganism I am not sure what to tell you. Because if avoiding screaming and suffering in your food source is the reason you became vegan I do have some bad news
”Plus side here is that people can move to another instance and start commenting right away as opposed to being shadow banned for a period in certain subs and having to build up enough karma to not automatically have every comment flagged.
People aren't stuck to the policies of instances they don't agree with whether it be reasons for bans or what instances are blocked or whitelisted.
Yes, but that is like being banned on a specific Reddit. You didnt follow the rules. Reddit will ban you from the entire platform.
Lemmy even has the option to disable downvotes, so they’re obviously using downvotes as some kind of purity test.
Side note, there should be a way to soft block certain instances so you can see and interact with its federated posts but not send anything to the instance itself. You want to limit open discussion on your instance? Fine, but everyone else is still going to talk about you.
if you block an instance, it doesn't block the users or their posts on other instances
Its decentalised nature doesn't get you removed from the whole network though unlike Reddit. You can always interact with other instances.
That's crazy, had no idea that data was available to the mods of an instance
The motives behind the actions of these groups are vastly different though. A corporation silencing anti-establishment speech is not equivalent to lemmy moderators abusing authority in their micro-feifdoms. Still frustrating of course but the reasons and effects are quite different
True, can't argue with that. I am maybe a bit too pragmatic when I say, I don't care about the difference because the outcome for me as a user is the same.
It’s enough to just make new account every couple months
It’s a good practice anyway. Fresh start every month feels good. Privacy is much better this way on such transparent site as Lemmy. You reset any mutes/bans/fame you might have acquired. It’s win-win
+It’s not like Lemmy has some kind of insane profile customisation fluff or account bound rewards
Also remember to have a unique username for each site for best doxx protection. I use this Osint site sometimes for lulz and there are people who have same PayPal id (with real name shown) as their Lemmy account name lol. Lemmy may be tame but if you browse any deep chan sites opsec is of paramount and admins are hostile actors deep down there too that WILL post your data. Here I kinda trust admins just a little so that accidental true IP reveal seems like no big deal.
However one day you may sign up to the wrong instance or instance may change hands and someone may post your data to some chan like alt right pit. This is a danger of entrusting your account to small private operators that are complete strangers with unknown motivations
Never ever use your true email on Lemmy
See my other comment. That is not really the solution since you will simply get banned again after a while, depending on how much you interact there. Unless admin/moderation changes, making a new account just gives you a bit of extra time using those communities.
at least here its more easy to just let them stew with eachother or for more sensible part of that community to just break off. in reddit its the site owner who ultimately decided how the site goes, here its the community itself. Though if majority of some community decides to just stick with some awful group, its quite bad for the minority that doesnt like the awfullness. But at least that is problem of our own making instead of what something some rich asshole decided and thus we can solve it ourselves too if we really want to. There is no way to unshittify reddit ever.
It's way easier to do with Lemmy compared to Reddit. Because of its federated design, it's trivial to subscribe to a stream of all activity in a community (posts, comments, upvotes, downvotes, moderation actions, etc) and do things when particular actions happen. Unlike Reddit, on Lemmy you can get a list of who upvoted or downvoted a post or comment.
Which I don't have a problem with. Having vastly different moderation policies can create a walled garden, but there are instances where a walled garden is just preferable. See how askhistorians was handled. It's better to have a platform that you can shape to your needs and the potential needs of your users. If it's truly useless, then nobody would use it
Fr seeing in the modlog that people are regularly getting banned from parts of the fediverse for innocuous shit like "chronic downvoting" is so disappointing.
Imo however you do or do not hit the little arrow buttons should never have any bearing on your account or standing, at all.
I don't even understand why mods/admins have access to see how people are voting, fuck that bullshit.
if someone does that post it in yepowertrippinbastards and make a new sub on a different instance, id join, ppl can be made aware here
Yes, Lemmyverse will fragment, so it's important to choose sufficiently permissive instances or even run your own.
gross, even STD is being defended here, who is paying for these shills. nutrek is such a badly written/show franchise right now.
Does this happen on