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Fake vegans

Vegans being banned and comments being deleted from ! for being fake vegans.

From my perspective, the comments were in no way insulting and just part of completely normal interaction. If this decision reflects the general opinion of the mod team, then from my perspective, the biggest vegan community on Lemmy wants to be an elitist cycle of hardcore vegans only, not allowing any slightly different opinion. Which would be very unfortunate.

PS: In contrast to the name of this community, I don't want to insult anyone here being a 'bastard'. I just want to post this somewhere on neutral ground. I would really appreciate an open discussion without bashing anyone.

PPS: Some instances or clients seem to compress the screenshots in a way they're unreadable. Find the full resolution here:

Linking the affected users and mods:

  • Is Sunshine Beaver's alt? If so then yeah i could understand why this happen.

    • I don't know about this and I also don't know if she is the one who deleted the comments and triggered the bans. In general, I appreciate her content. She is posting lots of interesting articles (not only in the vegan community) and I guess Lemmy needs people like her providing content to debate about.

      Just if debate is not desireable, then I don't think it makes sense to post it to a social platform. Social platforms without interaction and different opinions are just dead link lists. Then I can also just set up a RSS reader on the news sites I'd like to follow.

      • No dispute here, i'm just saying this sorta remind me of the controversy beaver kick off 4 months ago in the vegan community, behaviour-wise it's very similar.

      • then I don’t think it makes sense to post it to a social platform

        This is a fundamental problem with much of Lemmy TBH. There is zero room for discussion on any contentious topic. Period. You're either on the side the mods believe in, or are in a race to get moderated. It's a fundamental flaw with the federation concept. Because it is impossible to permanently purge legit trolls any semblance of it gets harshly dealt with because that's the only way to stem the tide of BS. Unfortunately this creates a huge chasm between any 2 viewpoints preventing any legitimate argumentation and fosters echo chambers.

        Trump getting voted in is my go to example. Judging by all the posts, comments, and voting patterns it looked like that guy had zero policies anyone would vote for. It was a sure thing Harris was going to win. That whole fiasco proves how out of touch Lemmy is with the real world because it isn't treated as a forum for discussion.

    • I was thinking exactly that, she is certainly behaving very similarly to how Beaver did back in the day and is absolutely power-tripping now. If banning people who criticize the mod's posts in any way is power-tripping, then accusing people of being fake vegans for disagreeing is absolutely power tripping.

  • Dang, an actual PTB!

    Defining removing the comments was already borderline PTB, though one can argue that since vegans tend to insist on dealt strict policies in vegan C/s, that it is within bounds to remove comments and posts as needed to maintain their space.

    But holy shit, the "you aren't a real vegan" went right off the rails. And then bans for it. That's not even crossing the line in this specific case, it's kicking the line and spitting on its grave.

    Mind you, sometimes it's necessary to ban people that aren't an actual part of the specific group a forum/community is for. It is case specific whether or not someone is power tripping.

    But this case is soooo far into power tripping it's almost a parody

  • PTB for sure, they're removing comments not 100% in support of them which is iffy, but now they are trying to decide that people aren't real vegans because they don't agree with the mods, WTF?!?

    Also is it just me or does this mod seem like they might be an Alt of Beaver (a previous mod of the Vegan community who was removed from the community for power-tripping) was known for making alts and trying to sneak herself back in as mod a few times with her alts, as well as fostering ill will towards the mod who removed her using her alt accounts. She ultimately deleted her accounts after being called out for the behavior and when these tactics weren't working. Maybe you might want to look into this, it's very possible the person who was power-tripping before was somehow able to get back in as a mod on an alt account without you or other mods knowing it was them.

  • Militant vegans always seemed cult-like to me, and nothing reinforced that idea more than seeing posts from the vegan group on here.

    Didn't take long for me to block that community.

  • You know what's worse than being a fake vegan? Being a fake gamer.

  • I’m not undoing the bans as the comments literally go against the definition of veganism ie no animal products for the reason of ethics, serving meat options in an establishment isn’t even vegetarian let alone vegan. Words are supposed to have meaning or language is completely pointless.

    The foods that are vegan and plant-based have zero animal products. It is not up for debate.

    You’re welcome to post and comment in flexitarian communities instead.

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment here.

      The foods that are vegan and plant-based have zero animal products. It is not up for debate.

      From my perspective, that's a classical strawman. No one said that food with animal products is vegan or that a restaurant that serves animal products should be considered a vegan restaurant.

      I just prefer a restaurant that still serves a large number of vegan options over the average omnivore restaurant that has no or just very few vegan options. That's better for me personally but IMO also for the vegan movement as a whole as it eases access to vegan food for everyone.

      I went fully vegan 3 years ago - I don't think it's fair to call me or others fake vegans or flexitarians just because we have a slightly different opinion on a certain topic.

      • I would trip over your description "a vegan restaurant that serves a bit of meat" as well, because it doesn't make sense to call it "vegan" then.

        I can understand why someone would want to prevent the term "vegan" from being watered down.

        If a supposedly vegan restaurant suddenly offers non-vegan dishes, this carries more weight for vegans than if some other restaurant tinkers with its menu.

        You may have already advertised the "vegan" restaurant in good faith and now they're stabbing you in the back.

        The change also shows that the owners themselves are not vegan. And then, of course, you question everything: were the ingredients ever properly screened? What about the wine? Were the chairs covered in leather? Were the candles made from beeswax?

        Just imagine a "vegan" restaurant that has an advertising banner for the elephant circus hanging on the door. Outrage would be justified. But they even put fucking meat on the menu.

        "Vegan" is a statement. People should not tag it on their business if they're merely coicidentally plant-based and don't actually care for animal rights.

        It would certainly have been more conciliatory for everyone if the mods had made it clear in the thread why they were upset about the comments. On the other hand, I can also understand if they were not in the mood for the hundredth discussion and would rather take the "easier" route and delete the comment. But I also think it's excessive to justify it with "fake vegan". You're vegan if you leave your hands off the animals. Semantic considerations are not necessary.

        That being said, it's wonderful that you're both vegan and that the topic is obviously important to you. Don't let a loose string on the jointly pulled rope divide you. We have more important battles to fight.

        Vegan btw

    • Serious question, not meant to be antagonistic. I'm honestly just curious.

      Is the purpose of your community to simply be an echo chamber of similar opinions? Is debate not allowed, or having a different opinion?

      I will never visit that community, but this seems like a wild abuse of mod powers. You do whatever you want, I don't care and have no skin in the game, but don't you want to foster discussion on your community? An echo chamber with other vegans doesn't seem conducive to achieving anything, other than maybe a feels good circlejerk. The downvote button exists if you have a different opinion. A straight ban for not toeing the line seems like further isolating your view points from the greater Lemmy community, as well as entrenches the view point a lot of people have that vegans are hostile to non-vegans.

      Calling other vegans fake vegans and banning them tho is whack as fuck but pretty hilarious

      • When I go to a vegan community, I don't want to debate with carnists. I would consider that trolling. There are other places meant for debating. Vegan communities are basically safe spaces to talk with other vegans and people that want to be vegan.

        Too many carnists troll the vegan communities, they created this problem. I first joined lemmy during the reddit exodus on a .world account. The vegan community at that point was poorly moderated and most of the comments were carnists circle jerking about how eating meat is so great to them. Finally, active people took over and it became so much better to actually browse that community once these trolls were banned. This behavior is nothing new btw, I've seen assholes on reddit and facebook do the same to vegan spaces. You'll notice I'm no longer on .world, I disagree with their modding practices and lately I feel even more justified in leaving that cesspool.

        I want vegan news, vegan recipes, and vegan discussion. I do not want carnists coming in, at all. People can come in asking genuine questions about veganism, but no debating whatsoever. I do not mod any of these communities btw, but this is what I want as a user.

        It seems hostile to you because you have not had to deal with the constant carnist trolls. People who complain vegans are militant or hostile is a red flag for me, it really means that vegans are too unapologetic about their veganism instead of being passive people who don't rock the boat or question the status quo. These people are defensive about vegans pointing out that they are consuming products made from abuse, rape, and murder. They want to be treated with kiddie gloves. Sorry, but no vegan is obligated to do so.

    • The foods that are vegan and plant-based have zero animal products. It is not up for debate.

      You do realise that plants get pollinated by animals, right?