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What books are you reading at the moment?

I'm currently reading the Wool omnibus by Hugh Howey. It's pretty decent I've been making very rapid progress as it's been too hot to sleep here recently now the summer has arrived.

I haven't seen the Apple show, but maybe I'll watch it in the future when I've finished all the books (I had Shift and Dust as well).

  • I've been working through The Expanse books, and have just started Leviathan Falls.

    • I hope we get an adaptation of the last three books someday. Some really awesome stuff happens.

    • I'm about halfway through Persepolis Rising. That prologue was one hell of a jolt!

    • How do you like the expanse? I’ve heard they are awesome!

      • Contrarian view here.

        The Expanse the show is great. My spouse and I couldn’t believe that it was an adaptation of books that we just couldn’t get through.

        We’re avid readers of science fiction and always looking for new authors and series. This is to say we read picked up Levitation Falls when it first appeared on bookstore shelves in 2011. There was no television show to scaffold us and we found the books just weren’t enough on their own.

        We simply found the books just not that original or well enough written to draw us in. Both my spouse and I slogged through Leviathan Falls and DNFd the second book when they came out.

        We both found them derivative of a good deal of of other work against which they didn’t add - specifically CJ Cherryh’s Company Wars written in the 80s and 90s would be at the top of that subgenre. The big central mystery seems to follow the plot arc of the Star Trek Vanguard novel series published 2005-2012.

        It may be that the Expanse handled the central mystery better than Vanguard over the long run of the book series, and I suspect it did based on television version of The Expanse. I just can’t see the books as the peak of space opera that they are held up to be.

      • Not the person you replied to, but I have read the series and watched the show. It's fantastic. I highly recommend both.

    • I finished up rereading that series a few weeks ago. Just an excellent story (and pretty faithful tv series).

  • Currently on The Hydrogen Sonata of a The Culture marathon.

    • The culture is such a great series. My favorite is a tie between Player of Games and Matter.

  • Not science fiction, but I’m loving Carl Sagans “The Demon-Haunted World”. He really was a brilliant dude.

    • Yeah, I really liked that book. Pale Blue Dot is really good as well and he reads part of the audiobook himself, although unfortunately not all of it as he was already quite ill by that point. He was taken far too young.

  • Just finished The Dispossessed, by Ursula Le Guin and going to look for a library where I can buy the next book in the Hain cycle !

  • I'm almost done the Lords of Uncreation which is book 3 of The Final Architecture. Quite the epic space opera. Then I will pick up Wool as season 1 of the TV series will be concluded.

    • I’m working through Lords of Uncreation too.

      I’m not getting through it as quickly as the first two, but it’s going into some very interesting directions and seems as though it will land its arc very well.

  • Broken Earth Trilogy. I finished reading the entire Wool series many years back and gave it a 3.5/5. Really strong start but unfortunately the pacing for the rest of it wasn't quite to my liking.

  • Based on the posts in this thread, I see a lot of overlap between urban fantasy fans and science fiction fans. With the exception of Lord of the Rings, I've never cared much for high fantasy, but I've really enjoyed the urban fantasy series I've read. If anyone is interested, I've enjoyed...

    1. The Laundry Files by Charles Stross
    2. The City We Became and The World We Make by MK Jemisin
    3. The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
    4. The Sandman Slim series by Richard Kadrey
    5. The Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch
    6. The Stranger Times series by C.K. McDonnell
  • Currently reading “The Exiled Fleet” by J. S. Dewes. This is the second in her “The Divide” series. It is pretty good. I picked up the first book because she did a release event with Scalzi during that time we were all locked in our homes and the story sounded interesting. The first one was compelling enough for me to see the series through although she has not announced the publication of the third book yet and has just released a standalone novel unrelated to the series.

  • Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds. I’m about 3/4 of the way through, and it’s been very interesting thus far! Definitely has not gone where I thought it was gonna go, which is cool.

    If you haven’t read it I won’t give any spoilers, but I was fascinated by the similarities to The Expanse in the beginning. They definitely go different places, but I can feel Reynolds influence on James Corey. Surprised I haven’t seen anybody mention this before.

    Anyways, I read House of Suns before this and probably like that more, but Pushing Ice is quite good. Should I start the Revelation Space series next?

    • very minor spoilers for anyone who hasn't read

      i read pushing ice with my book club recently. was also not expecting things to go where they went but i really enjoyed the direction. it makes for a very fleshed out 'sailors marooned on a deserted island' kind of story that doesn't waste the possibilities it's genre and setting allow it. janus as a setting just has a lot of great mysteries and the way the crew interact and survive on the planet is explored very thoroughly. the isolation of how hopelessly far they are from home and only getting further struck me when i was reading. you can understand the different factions and how things might have been different if only a few things changed in the beginning.

      and as far as sci-fi goes, it's version of it is a favorite of mine. the blue-collar worker in space is something i've always liked, and it gets depicted very well in this book. would love to hear what you think once you've finished it.

      • Just finished! Not as strong as House of Suns, but I quite liked it. There are some super solid sci-fi concepts, but some of the characters are just so unlikable.

        Spoilers below

        I really struggled with Svetlana specifically and how long she held her grudge! That exile! So many years! Intense. I was hoping for a bit more of a twist with the Fountain Heads, but then again them being essentially good and telling the truth is a bit of a twist because you sort of expect the alien betrayal! It feels like he set up the story for a sequel with that teaser about the middle of the structure and all. Hope Reynolds revisits this world soon.

  • I am reading currently Snow Crash. A great example how pioneers of a genre seem to lose their originality over time, but the book hasn't changed, everyone else has just copied it to death.

    Previously I read some if the Culture series and got surprised by the genuine atrocities popping up in them. The books were interesting and the horrible things had a reason to be there, but I just became overwhelmed.

  • Currently reading The Best of World SF 2. It's nice to see how sci-fi has influenced other authors around the globe.