Android is now warning of Firefox sharing data
Android is now warning of Firefox sharing data
Found this notification this morning on my pixel 6.
Android is now warning of Firefox sharing data
Found this notification this morning on my pixel 6.
pot -> kettle
I stopped my donations to Mozilla.
Okay, turned it off. If a site needs my location it can ask me and I can politely tell it to fuck off unless it has a warrant.
Google warning you about Mozilla is just peak fucking irony
Isn't that just because Firefox got access to location data because some site asked for it?
Yep. Like a map website...
commenting cus I also have the same question
Google: "Forcing us to divest Chrome could have impacts on our ability to support Mozilla and their high executive salaries as we own the space with Chrome."
Also Google:
"Quick! Jump to chrome instead!" - Google spokesperson
How about turning off data sharing in whole android... Google...
i mean it's just because you can grant websites location data and toggle telemetry.
Even if this isn't entirely true, you know Google wouldn't pass up the opportunity to reduce Firefox market share to scare everyone back to Chrome.
Like chrome does something different?
Yes, chrome is doing something different. It is even worse!
There's no need to reduce Firefox marketshare. Most people don't even consider using anything else than whatever is default in their device.
Also, it's not a Google scare tactic or a flex. Every application on the Play Store must disclose the general outlines of their data policy, including the sharing of data. Lying with those checkbox is not a good idea but they are completely informative and put there by the publishing party, so the people responsible for publishing Firefox on mobile just updated these, and this is what is shown when an app publisher say their app is sharing data with third parties.
tl;dr: it's very likely that not a single soul at Google even looked at this, as this is just the regular behavior of the Play Store with apps that changes their data policy or indicate sharing user data with third parties.
I wonder if they say people should be careful with Chrome 😂
they don't have to! they microsoft explorered that shit
There isn't to much to reduce. I don't think Google is scared or afraid by Firefox, like at all.
Firefox? You mean the company they give several hundred million dollars/year? Yeah I don't think they're too worried. They need some number of users on Firefox to prevent anti-trust issues. Which they're on the brink of right now.
Lol if Google really wanted to kill FF they would just stop paying them half a billion a year.
So you're advocating that Google shouldn't broadcast that firefox is broadcasting your current location? Even though they do this for every other app available on Android, you're saying they shouldn't do this for firefox?
This notice is effectively added by the Firefox developers when they select the ability to enable location services and also tick a box thay they collect data.
It is true, unfortunately.
Mozilla now sells your data.
They literally removed the "we don't sell your data" promise from their FAQ a few weeks ago.
The story I heard was that by of California's definition of selling data, doing anything with user data that could benefit the company was considered selling data. So they updated their FAQ to be in line with that definition. But I could be wrong, if someone could point me to a good article I'd appreciate it.
terrible choice of link. There was a stack of reporting from various tech-news sites and blogs; but you've given as the nazi site.
calyxos here I come
That's a regular notification, which would happen for any application whose data policy is changed on the Play Store page. These policy are as declared by the app publisher. This would be the same for any application that didn't check that "sharing data with third party" box earlier, then checked it later on.
I don't get what your comment is getting at. I don't view this post as saying anything special or unique about the notification. I see it as a warning that Firefox is now doing this.
The legal definition of "sell" has changed in several major markets, and that's (supposedly) why Firefox has recently changed their terms. The word "sell" is now ostensibly broad enough to include "give to anybody for any reason", including if you use Firefox for any reason where you would legitimately want and need Firefox to give ("sell") your data - for example if you use it for: literally any shopping or even just browsing store pages; any interactive (real world) maps where you may want to use your location; any searches where you want local businesses to be listed; any search engine that may want to use your location to aid in results; etc. etc. etc.
Any legitimate exchange of data can now be construed as "selling" because of the new legal definitions, regardless of if anyone is actually selling anything.
It's very possible that nothing has changed - that Firefox hasn't started selling user data, they're just updating their terms (and this app listing) to reflect the changes in the legal definitions of "sell".
The DDG app shows no 3rd party tracking attempts made by Firefox at all... So far...
Yeah. People can avoid all this nonsense by installing one simple app... Duck duck go browser.
You don't have to use the browser. It just sits in the background quietly blocking tracking requests from other apps.
It's absolutely horrifying on first use to see how egregious tracking is.
There's also the PersonalDNSFilter which does the equivalent while being a tiny open-source app that serves only for that purpose and also somehow still not getting banned from the Google Play store or AdAway which also has this feature or TrackerControl or...
Deactivate from settings Have https always on, protection against tracking on strict, data collection and daily ping on off.
And that's it.
As of the latest Chrome update on PC, they have dropped support for uBlock. You can still technically enable it, but they disabled it by default once you update.
That got me back to Firefox with breakneck speed.
Hopefully soon Librewolf, Fennec F-droid and other forks will become mainstream.
I haven't switched to Librewolf on pc yet; hoping that turning off the telemetry/etc options in ff is enough, but I'm starting to think it might not be long.
I was that same way with Firefox for a while, but after I gave Librewolf a long-term test drive I stuck with it.
If you’re used to Firefox with the privacy stuff cranked up, from a user perspective Librewolf is basically just that. But I like knowing that some of the Mozilla stuff is actually removed.
They also roll out updates quickly. I’m pretty sure I updated Firefox and Librewolf to 136.0.1 today just hours apart.
I switched over to LibreWolf recently. I discovered Vivaldi just a few hours before I learned about the Manifest v3 stuff for Chromium (which is a shame because I actually LOVED Vivaldi). I really want to try Zen Browser, but I’m using old, 2011-era Macs (running Ubuntu 24.04 on one) and it won’t install. LibreWolf is great because of its clean, minimal design and absolute privacy-forward thinking. I’ve enjoyed it so far (and I’m only running it on the Ubuntu machine).
I want to switch over further but so far I've had so much else going on that data privacy hasn't taken a priority. Things are getting weird now so it is time for a priority change.
Frankly speaking, calling out Google and Chrome, then moving to Firefox while Mozilla have been doing it's best Google impression for years now is not that great of a plan.
I wonder how long Firefox will be ok with all that, since Mozilla bought that advertisement business a while ago.
The main problem is that building a web browser is extremely difficult and everyone else uses Google's version of WebKit. So there's no alternatives: it's either Google or Mozilla. Forks don't count because if some functionality that end users need is deprecated, nobody will maintain it and it will just disappear once it's removed from the main codebase
Pot Calling Kettle... etc... 🤣
This is not at all a pot kettle situation, there is no reason to warn about Firefox.
There is: default search results on FF have always legally been sold to Google, the public didn't know since there were no terms of service or mention by FF whenever they uploaded the android version on the playstore that their users data would be collected and some be sold. Position is one of the data that may be sold as it could be used by Google to dermine which localised version of the search result is the best one to serve
And it's not going to be Google in the future: it could be Bing, startpage, ecosia, qwant etc... As long as someone pays, then the results are sold and there needs to be a warning to users.
God damn why's the world so shit
My understanding is this is due to regions broadening the definition of "sell" to include any form of personal data transfer. So Mozilla giving location info (with consent if you enable "ask every time" in the permissions) to websites to look up local store hours or whatever is "selling data."
AFAIK, nothing has changed in Firefox.
i know, thats some really late stage capitalism bullshit.
It really is. Literally everything is shit and I'm so fucking over it.
This is the Bad Place
God damn why’s the world so shit
Society empowers and encourages shitty people that only care about their own kind/tribe, is why.
Society empowers and encourages shitty people that only care about their own kind/tribe themselves, is why.
Alright gang, what are some good open source Firefox forks available on Android and Linux?
I switched to Floorp this week. It seems to support extensions, etc...and took like five minutes to switch. Just imported everything over from Firefox and deleted it.
FWIW I'm not seeing this on the Play Store for Firefox 136.0.1 on my Pixel 8a, and I'm not seeing any warnings on Beta or Nightly either:
I don't see it from installs direct via Obtainium, either.
Firefox engines have telemetry since old ages. Do you know what even crazier ??? even other firefox browser like fennec has Mozilla telemetry.
Sending telemetry like crashes and what features you use/don't use isn't really in the same category as using location data for marketing purposes. It's a very important distinction to draw.
It has a mozilla telemetry component, but that doesn't mean that it's necessarily reporting to mozilla - which wouldn't make much sense anyway - nor that it actually functions at all. Most telemetry components in Firefox can't simply be deleted because it causes stuff to break, so they are replaced with stubs that don't actually do anything.
Assuming that's all it's really doing.
For a novice, what exactly is Blocker (ROOT)? Is it an app, a setting, or a configuration?
Its app that you can downloaded in F-Droid, basically it's a app that can control other app components. But before that you must Root/Unlock bootloader
Fennec is maintained by Mozilla
Fennec is great on Android
I've been pretty happy with it as my casual web search browser, putting all my social media on a different browser. And it's in F-Droid, so that always feels good.
Great app also maintained by Mozilla
(wait, don't tell me y'all don't know lol)
Firefox is maintained by Mozilla, Fennec is a custom build that removes some stuff, and is maintained by some Russian person who I'm pretty sure isn't affiliated with Mozilla (get here by clicking the "Issue Tracker" link).
It's not a fork since it's built from Mozilla sources, it's just a build script.
So if Mozilla wants to monetize location data, what does this mean for all the custom ROMs that use Mozilla's location provider instead of Google's?
This might mean that we would have no true free location provider left.
Edit: just was thinking, what does this mean for Firefox forks that also use Mozilla's location service?
So if Mozilla wants to monetize location data, what does this mean for all the custom ROMs that use Mozilla's location provider instead of Google's?
Nothing, because they dont sell location data, this just seems like a routine warning that pops up when ToS and Privacy policy changes, and since they have clarified their position on this matter, (not to mention the lack of alternative FOSS web engines). We really shouldn't let this bother us
Of course i might be wrong and it may come out that Mozilla has turned heel(lot of heel turning happening lately)
No custom ROM use MLS anymore. It was shut down a few years ago.
Anyway, in general, apps get their location data from Play Services.
Apps that don't use Play Services get data from the default provider, which is always Google.
The successor of MLS is BeaconDB.
wait, mozilla has a location provider? maybe there is open street map, idk what's the difference between a map and a location provider
My (probably incomplete) understanding is: phones have a GNSS chip (such as GPS, Galileo, or Glonass), but getting location from that takes a long time and a lot of battery. So they estimate location based on other information such as what cell tower they are connected to and the list of available wi-fi networks. This requires a database with all that info, which Google built through its Street View cars.
So the location provider is a service to which your phone sends all the info it has and which replies with an estimate of your location; which means it handles a lot of sensitive data.
Fork it, split it off, share it.
Pretty easy to disable the location app permission or set it to ask every time. Firefox hasn't asked me to enable it since turning it off.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Firefox won't ask for or use your location, unless a website wants it for some reason (which is almost never a good one).
and even then, for me at least, the dialog that pops up is broken and lot of times the "Allow" button literally does nothing
Didn't they also elude to collecting telemetry recently? I know it's up for some debate but, if true, I'm not sure that's a thing we can turn off.
Do they mean “Firefox can get your location data to pass on to pages you give permission to, who we cannot guarantee won’t share it with advertisers” or “Firefox reserves the right to do a deal to monetise the tantalising firehose of location data coming from your device unless you specifically opt out”?
The former, but the language looks vague enough that they could do the latter eventually. My understanding is that they have to be vague in the language for legal reasons (e.g. to appease regulators in various markets).
Who can say
Get ironfox?
fennec vs ironfox opinions?
enabled); repoIronFox is more ambitious, which means higher maintenance load and more likely to fall behind. Fennec is much simpler, so less likely to fall behind, but also doesn't change much from Firefox.
I would love to see a real comparison.
I like fennec because the name is cute.
I've not heard of ironfox before this thread! Could you possibly link it? Doesn't seem like it's on FDroid or IzzyOnDroid
You have to add IronFox's repo in F-Droid before you can install it from there. This is their Github link.
In addition to what others have said, it can be downloaded from the Accrescent app store:
IronFox is on F-Droid. That where I got it from at least
Either die a hero……
I had already downloaded and installed Ironfox (FF Android fork) on my phone and have been using it for a week or so. It works identically to FF for android. Ublock Origin is working in Ironfox too.
use ironfox or fennec
Do they share location data without asking though? Google has an incentive to exaggerate.
Been using Libre Wolf, no issues so far. Fuck Firefox
Librewolf is Firefox plus some light patches, and as such depends entirely from Firefox.
It looks like they have a team and it’s open-source. It’s a gamble, but I’m guessing the death of Firefox would probably be a boon, not a hinderance, depending on who supports what from there.
Does libre wolf have an android app?
IronFox is the closest alternative. F-Droid repo here:
You know what they say about people who live in glass houses...
Don't advertise others' locations?
Looks like its enshittification continues unabated :/
Well, there seem to be some good safe alternatives. I am currently switching from Firefox to Vivaldi, for example.
Isn't Vivaldi a chromium browser?
Hmm I didn't know that. I was looking for more data privacy. However, there seem to be good alternatives.
I went straight back to chrome. At least I don't get such warnings so they seem fine.
Jk of course.!
I'll keep using the "browser" browser MIUI packaged for me, it goes well with the MIUI password vault.
Got ya again!
But still, I'm a bit concerned the general public might just throw their hands in the air and move towards less known browsers but that are well marketed that are worse than Firefox (opera, brave...) because of this.
How is Mullvad Browser? I know it's based on Firefox but wouldn't imagine they would tolerate this.
Mullvad is really for anonymous sessions. It's meant to blend in with every other Mullvad instance on the Net so it helps make users harder to identify. It's not geared towards daily use.
On desktop, I switched to Librewolf and installed the Dark Reader add-on.
I will continue using Firefox on Android because I have absolutely no illusions about my privacy on this fucking thing.
It doesn't exist on Android AFAIK, so it's irrelevant here.
Fine. I preferred Fennec over the two for quality of life and ease of use balanced with privacy.
I don't use default firefox for this damn reason.. I hope that Mull Fork gets going soon.. I've been in refuge in IceRaven since that time..
yeah that one, I forgot I have it installed haha but it looks promising if proven to be reliable in updating to new versions
does anyone actually have a good privacy in mind alternative with sources to back it up?
Iceraven hasn't burned me yet
Does anyone know if Blockada mitigates this problem on Android?
Genuine question to see if the downvotes are justified or not : are you implying Chrome is a good browser and if so, why?
I personally don't want there to be only one browser engine - Chrome. All other browsers use their engine, or the one powering Firefox. That's actually my main concern. I don't know about you, but Chromium being the only web browser in the world is pretty fuckin scary.
Where did I ever say or imply that Chrome is the only option? A lot of you just misinterpret me on purpose, downvote parade galore just to stomp all over someone to make yourselves feel good about it. God, people really are this fucking stupid.
Just use chrome man, that will really take the fight to the next level
Many Linux distributions will need to dig Firefox looks like . I use Fennec btw , and in desktop Libre wolf since a long time.
Well, if there was any doubt before, with the weird ToS p.r. dance they were doing last week, now we know, for sure.
I've already switched to LibreWolf on the desktop. Is there a good non-Firefox browser for Android available?
Vivaldi is where it’s at
It's closed source and chrome(ium)(?) based. I'm not entirely convinced by Vivaldi.
No, it's really not. Fuck chromium of all flavors.
Are you aware of Firefox's changes to their privacy policy that has been in the news the past 2 weeks? If not you can easily find articles and youtuve videos on it.
That's why I'm posting this 🤷♂️
I didn't mean it to come across as insulting or anything. I meant it all genuinely to be helpful