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The Penguin - S01E06
The Penguin - S01E06
- Title: “Gold Summit”
- Release Date: October 27, 2024
- Discussion Hub
- Next Episode S01E07
The Penguin - S01E06
Oh no, oh no no no. Oz has it all, but he's about to lose the one thing he cares about. What an episode.
I think there is a chance Sofia doesn't kill Oz's mother, but she's dead next episode one way or another. After their conversation I assume Oz is going to have to do it, but I have no idea how we get there.
And Vic, poor Vic. He chose this life, but predictably it's killing him, it's changing him, and he isn't made for this life.
My only complaint with this episode is the Arkham doctor. I understand he wants to make amends, but it's not really a story I care about. The actor is well known so I assume he will have a larger story, but I'm not seeing it yet.