And thus, with a simple regression model, we can conclude that... ☝🤓
The target audience:
Just stop drinking that shit, it is so bad for you.
I really need to take this advice. Quit drinking fizzy drinks years ago, now I go the chippy with work on a Friday…I think it’s time to start stocking up on dilute.
I get all groceries, fast food, drinks, snacks, etc. are becoming more expensive across the board but I'm 100% with you. It's like people removed about the price of cigarettes. If the crap that's bad for you is becoming too expensive maybe it's a win-win and time to quit while saving money.
I get all groceries
Sounds EXTREMELY wasteful tbh. Should probably start being much more selective..
I used to eat 2-4 full bags of chips every week, but kow that they're over 5 dollars a pop I've cut them out completely.
I'm absolutely certain the markup on these chips is almost the full price. They can't cost more than a few cents to make at scale.
It's like people removed about the price of cigarettes.
First they came for cigarettes and I did not speak out
Good advice. I was very addicted to soda when I was a younger teenager and grew out of it and replaced it with unsweetened coffee and tea.
Same here. This is the way to enlightenment for all.
Yup, I used to drink soda all the time. Now it's like maybe once every 6 months. Feel better just from quitting
Drink enough of them and you'll get basically a beer gut, but more like a soda gut since it's filling you with it's carbonated shit. That is hard to work off and takes a while.
It doesn't taste as good
I bet they changed the form factor as a business move to make the fridges less compatible with other soda, since they are already the de facto leader.
And also profits at all cost.
The cans were changed cause the skinny cans cost less in materials to manufacture. It's all in the smaller diameter lids which are the thickest part of the can.
The price would have gone up regardless...
And then dicks like Kroger raise the price when they put it on sale so it looks like it's a better deal.
Your convenience store isn't offering them 2 for 3??? Gotta buy 2!
Small can still exist, just in 12 packs. It's still a messed up tactic.
Meanwhile, I can get a cold 16oz RC cola at the dollar store.
Palestine Cola is better.
But.. Its delicious, and refreshing, and foremost, with the original taste.
Cum ON,