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Social misdeeds also remove you from being able to fly in the US, maybe I'm missing something...
In another comment, I have stated that myself.
I am saying that the social credit system was attempted and they had people banned for e.g. flying. Which makes it reasonable to assume that a really bad social credit score would ban you from flying as well. As the social credit system was experimental, and apparently failed, it is impossible to say what it could have been.
When international news talked about the social credit system and it being in pilot cities, they asked themselves what could be and communicate it as such. But people meme'd it and people believed the meme nonsense version.
If I talk about the trail of tears, gaza or criticise Biden I will get put on the no fly list?
There are people looking at 20 year prison sentences for talking about Gaza you fucking boob
As I watch the goalposts flee into the horizon I ask you: should talking about something outside with a bunch of other people around you be a compounding factor?
Also, you credulous fucking idiot, what do you think happened to civil rights organizers? (The ones who weren't murdered)
As if you don't already believe the dumbest fucking shit imaginable
Ask Snowden, Assange, or Manning what happens to ppl who expose US war crimes.
Also the US has a ton of political prisoners:
Quite possibly. Depending on how loud and active you are about it.
What exactly is your point?
Yes if you say in a social setting you are going to kill the president, or if you called in a bomb threat to an airline, these are social nonos that can get you on the no fly list.
If YoU siMPlY MurDEr SomEOne it’S A sOCiaL NonO
If. You. Say.
I understand and you’re trying to critique “social nonos” (laws) so where do you draw the line? You can generally say whatever opinion about someone but you can’t say whatever you want to do to someone.
That's litterally not the question I asked though is it?
I don't answer false dichotomies.
I don't see the "positive" spin in my comment.
I guess if you think that the us is "positive", it would be positive.
Imagine your understanding of the world is so black and white that the idea of similarities makes you unable to think what is actually said.
Edit: wait! Do you think me saying that it is just true that you don't go into debt for an ambulance, is a positive spin? Do you think having actual access to an ambulance is a positive? Sorry but that is part of a basic functional medical system. That is like "they have schools" that ain't a positive, that is the basic.
Hey, you read my comment as you responded to theirs, i will ask you this; did you have the impression that my comment was in any shape a positive spin on china beyond "not all bad"? And do you think "not all bad" is a "positive spin"?
Thanks, I just wanna know if I am wrong because I don't think it was positive at all.