I heard that lemmy will upvote anything. This is literally just a can of fucking beans
I heard that lemmy will upvote anything. This is literally just a can of fucking beans
I heard that lemmy will upvote anything. This is literally just a can of fucking beans
I think this is not only the most upvoted post on Lemmy, but beanposting effectively tested the network and worst case system performance by hitting the database from everywhere at the same time. The fact that Lemmy didn't go down is in itself an amazing feat considering it's never been tested at this scale before. Even if the servers are unstable it shows that the idea is sound.
Where is the traffic coming from? Everywhere, it's coming from everywhere!
this is currently the #3 post in the "top all time" view on lemmy.ml
edit: 2h later, it is now #1
Uploaded the image for you
To be fair, those are British-style baked beans.
I was born and raised in the US (and have returned there) but spent the last 4 years living in London, and British beans in tomato sauce are very different from American baked beans in BBQ sauce. Both have their charms, but British beans are basically a breakfast food as main, American beans are a BBQ side-dish. Beans on Toast is a wonderful British breakfast, but Americans haven't heard of it, and those who have might turn their nose up at it.
Very different cultures, and so much we can learn about multiculturalism for one can of baked beans - no, one picture of a can of baked beans.
So, yeah, I think it deserves and upvote.
Hi internet historians
This can of beans has become the most popular post, top quality content right here.
It's bean nice being in this community.
Shit they figured out the algorithm. Here's an up vote.
How are you supposed to fuck without some fucking beans?
I'm a simple man, I see a can of beans, I upvote it.
But the beans are not fucking. I am now fucking disappointed.
Do you like it in this position, Disappointed?
Good thing Karma doesn't exist here.
The blue cans are maple beans in Canada, and essential to chilli
Easily one of the sexiest beans (if not, the sexiest)
Bean there, done that!
Sell-out for upvotes
Upvoted with extreme prejudice.
I was just thinking how I haven't seen enough cans of beans today.
Beans, beans, the musical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more you toot, the better you feel.
So let's have beans with every meal
It's not just a can of beans, it's what the can of beans stands for.
Roll that beautiful bean footage
I'm not personally into effortless bean-memes but thanks for sharing