Some cells will grow up indeed, too many of them, in fact.
Everyone's all about that unlimited economic growth, but if unlimited growth happens in your body, it's suddenly a bad thing? Grow up
What if I named it ' the demon core'?
Just don't tickle it with a screwdriver.
Spicy rocks.
They don't taste spicy. How many times do I have to lick to unlock it's power?
You already gave. Lisan-al-gaib!!!
You're already using the wrong it's/it's variant - your mental capacity is falling!
You keep it under your tongue until other foods get spicy.
Take me home
To the place
But angry rock is angry.
Spicy rocks. Tasty spicy rocks.
I use it in all my cooking. My family is deathly ill.
(I hope this works, it should show a shitty meme I made on my phone)
It shows a meme, unsure if shit post or not.
It's a screenshot of a character from the TV adaption of The Expanse, Jules-Pierre Mao. He's famous for doing experiments with radiation ::: spoiler minor Leviathan Wakes/Season 1 spoiler and neglecting any human rights while doing so. :::
My magic rocks do something. Trust me. Crystals and turquoise are for rubes but this magic rock is named after a planetoid so it has special energy. Buy these very expensive magic rocks instead of the cheaper ones at the woo store.
I saw graphite on the ground.
Get this man to the infirmary; he's delusional
Geiger counter goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
There's still a lot of rocks and other substances that are very mildly radioactive. Many of them are in your home. You might even call them "bricks".
The fact is it takes a specific level of hazard to affect a person, and bluntly, we're exposed to "safe" radiation levels all the time.
And to finish this, radiation poisoning doesn't require your belief. It will fuck your shit up while you scream about how you don't believe in it. That's a bit like saying that you don't believe in the killdozer at your door, it's not real. Meanwhile, your feeble statements and beliefs, and indeed, your fucking house won't stop the killdozer from murdering the fuck out of you.
Fool. I can see the killdozer at my door, that's why it's real. Radiation, viruses, etc. can't see those, ergo they are not real. Q.E.D.
You have to swallow the rock for the cure.
Do it, eat the rock. It will make things better.
Where are all the Comrade Dyatlov memes? 🙄
I know this isn't a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. meme but it is a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. meme