A musician, huh? What instrument do you play?
A musician, huh? What instrument do you play?
A musician, huh? What instrument do you play?
Amateurs; in music we've been alerady using cannons since 1880: Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture
While it does not invoke cannons (which will be outside whenever this piece is being performed), there is a piece where a percussionist whacks a piece of wood with a super-sized mallet. Imagine a barrel on a stick...
In America, guns are considered an instrument.
And anywhere that wants an indoor performance of the 1812 Overture.
Oh no, the more dramatic orchestras will use cannon indoors too. I was at a rather excellent concert some years ago, thoroughly enjoying the music and very much 'in the moment' as you might say, when I discovered this fact. I was seated up in the gods, and one of the cannons was, it turns out, on a gallery almost directly above me. They pretty much had to scrape me off the ceiling when that thing went off, and I don't think my heart rate came down until I got a stiff drink in the intermission.
Unlike mayonnaise
Depends on where in America, there are parts of the deep Midwest where Squidward was a dirty liar
I hope he lobbied to perform the 1812 Overture during graduation.
Dude in the front is questioning his life
"Why did I choose French Horn when I could've picked gun..."
hearing protection shmearing protection, I'll just cover my ears!
When the classic MIDI track you want to perform uses instrument #128
Still, easier than coordinating the helicopter to fly over at the right time.
Wouldn’t this make everyone in the room go deaf?
The 1911 Overture.