Papa-kanga-horo-horo. Eight syllables, pretty straightforward. My Māori is pretty trash, but after one read of it and a handful of times saying it out loud it's pretty simple.
My advice to anyone complaining about it is to just say it out loud a few times. I guarantee that by the time you've said it to the moving company, the power company, the insurance company and your mum, you'll have it locked down.
It also has the added bonus of being completely unique, so there's no chance of your ambulance being dispatched to park terrace on the other side of town while you're choking on park road.
Get over yourself, we can al do Ngāruawāhia well enough cant we?
I'm 50 this coming birthday, had little Te Reo at small white town NZ schools, lived in the UK for 1/3 of my adult life, and would have little issue with that as my street address
It’s a cool name, but I agree its too long for a street. Would make a good name for a park or a reserve or something in the area. To me an ideal street name is around 2 or 3 syllables. “Acacia” is a pretty crap name too though, better to pick something with a connection to the land and the people.
They mention they’re arranging a hui so hopefully a decent compromise can come from that.
If the people that live there don't want the name then it should be changed. The council consulted the local iwi and got a stupid name about moving in a crab formation, I'm pretty sure we can swap that out for another name without cultural uproar.
If it's a new subdivision in which people are already living, it would have been platted long before anybody moved in and that plat is where the name would have been established for all new streets in the subdivision.
My biggest takeaway from the article was the avenues are supposed to be tree lined. I’m pretty sure there are a bunch of them around that don’t adhere to that naming scheme, although it perhaps depends on the definition of tree lined.
How many of you actually did read the name? It's papakangahorohoro road. That's not toooo hard to remember. I already did. papa-kanga + 2x horo. It's not like it's eyjafjallajökull or something like that.