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  • Imagine still using Brave in current year.

    • Brendan Eich is a piece of shit

    • Show me another browser that can fully pass the EFF's and other privacy tests, and I will switch.

      • Never heard of that before so just tried it with Fennec (Firefox fork) and got this result:

        Then downloaded Brave and got this result:

      • Librewolf + arkenfox user.js maximum security profile will pass EFF and about every other test you could think of. The real problem is that security comes with cost to convinence. Multi session cookies and site history suck for security but are really convinent tools for browsing the modern internet.

  • Anon's baiting the audience of browsers I've not even heard of. I've googled SigmaOS and still unsure wtf is that, some coupling of productivity app and a browser that paints itself as the whole OS for all working needs, with one window\tab and a $10 subscription, exclusive to Macs, and is unironically called Sigma? I mean, it sounds even more niche than our favorite Firefox forks, folks. I'd not bite, but it was a pretty interesting dive. Thanks, anon.

  • I also struggle with browsers : It seems like every one is just a different shade of dogshit but Firefox is still my daily driver and I have few issues with it so idk what the guy in image is on about. Brave is overrated

  • Vivaldi has some closed source components to it, so that makes it a "pass" for a lot of us that are more privacy focused. But in performance and features Vivaldi is certainly a good chromium based browser - it's just not one I choose for myself.