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Reddit Anti-woke meltdown

Woke means you hate all white people and think they're all from England and had slaves.

It means you're too stupid to realize people like me, have ancestors that were under foreign occupation from 1500-1913 and had absolutely nothing to do with colonization and didn't benefit from oppressing non-Europeans in any way sort or form but think we deserve punishment.

You aren't a decent human being if you're woke.

I'm a Yugoslav ethnically. Yugo means south, slav being the root word for the word slave because we were taken as slaves by the Arabs and Ottoman Turks.

We also suffered a similar fate that natives in Canada did, the Ottomans took the first born son of every Christian family and sent them to be part of the Ottoman army and forcefully converted us to islam.

Took out daughters as sex slaves in harems.

Taxed us stealing our labour and wealth for 500+ years.

Then we were booted out of Greece to make room for Turkish-Greeks and had our land stolen in the 1940s, happened to my Grandparents.

We were under the same empire that the Palestinians were under, and what happened to them happened to us, but woke people want me to suffer because I have white skin.

Woke people are evil scum. They aren't decent people in any shape or form, they are basically nazis spreading lies about me just like the Germans did about the Jews.

I know this because woke people like to throw slavery and other things in my face just because I am European without realizing the word SLAVE is derived from my ethnicity.

Hitler hated us just as much as he hated the Jews and we were part of the holocaust, but woke people don't care,

I'm white, I'm European, I must be a colonizer worthy of punishment for the actions of some people in England who speak a different language, use a different alphabet, practice a different religion and lived 2000 km away.

That's what woke people are. They're fucked in the head.

My country is currently teaching our children to hate me based on my skin colour and they think I deserve it. Again, just like the Nazis did to the Jews.

I assume you are Indian, imagine you were randomly getting blamed for shit Pakistani people did 300 years ago and your country was teaching kids that you are a bastard for what Afghani people did just cause you have similar skin colour.

That's wokeness. It's a disease.

None of my ancestors subjugated other people groups to any form of discrimination and didn't colonize anywhere else. But woke people think they did. I've interacted with enough of them that hate me just for being European, most of them are British themselves which is insane.

It is 100% the same thing that the Nazis did to the Jews and the Slavs, spread lies and propaganda about them. Woke people would have fit in Nazi Germany.

I've yet to meet a woke person who will acknowledge Muslim occupation and oppression against south eastern Europeans.

My last name isn't a Persian word because I'm Persian. It was assigned to my family by foreign occupiers.

We don't eat middle eastern influenced food because we are middle eastern, it is a result of foreign occupation and subjugation.

Our music isn't middle eastern influenced because we are middle eastern, it is a result of foreign occupation and subjugation. <-- We don't make this randomly. It's a direct result of our history.

Macedonian wedding song played at every wedding is called Mashallah. Christian people there aren't singing for random, it's a result of colonization by the middle east

Woke people refuse to acknowledge any of this.

I'm white, I'm from London, England to them, I must be punished and shamed for my ancestry to all woke people.


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  • the woke social sciences would defend the Ottomans in this case, because all these allegations are made the fuck up.

    and this shitthead is hiding behind events 200 years+ ago on a different continent from his actual material circumstances. a whitey in Kkklanada benefiting from the white supremacist regime there. We have no trouble saying a macedonian in 1600 wasn't particularly privileged in their context, even modern macedonia is a peripheral and exploited place to western europe. but motherfucker ain't there. in Canada they don't sort whites, you are from London, and if that upsets you, maybe consider that white supremacy is the thing flattening your identity, not people fighting it

    • The ottomans were actually pretty bad especially in the latter half of their existence

      • this read is nationalist black legends, Devshirme wasn't a biblical 'every first born son' culling, it was a few thousand out of millions, the government didn't want to pay for that many servants. slavs--slaves is false etymology and the christians inside the empire, like macedonians, weren't getting systemically enslaved. jizya is such a bugbear for christofascists playing victim oh the humanity an extra tax (which exempts you from military obligations, something that is famously inexpensive) the real way Ottomans made christians second-class was through sumptuary law & employment restrictions, but you'll never catch an islamophobe whining about the Sultan not letting his ancestors dress like muslims or serve in a state ministry

        it's not that the Ottomans were good or anything, but they weren't uniquely bad as euro myth-making would have it. everything they did a contemporary euro country was doing

        • it's not that the Ottomans were good or anything, but they weren't uniquely bad as euro myth-making would have it.

          I dunno, they named their empire after a piece of furniture. Pretty cringe tbh

        • From the dude's own link about devshirme:

          There is some evidence that urban Christian and Muslim parents resorted to bribery or sending their children to the country to assure the advancement in life that devshirme recruitment could bring. The boys were forced to convert to Islam. Muslims were not allowed into the system (with some exceptions), but some Muslim families smuggled their sons in anyway.

          A lot of boys were taken by force, but show me one other slavery system where parents were bribing the officials to get their sons into such slavery, and that even include the muslim ones which were forbidden to be taken at all.

          the government didn’t want to pay for that many servants.

          Devshirme system was actually way more expensive on the face than ordinary feudalism, but it offered something that feudalism was notoriously bad for, a more trusted army and administration, which was also the reason why nominal slaves and/or eunuchs notoriously surfaced to the top of administration in many countries including Turkey and China. In the long run it was really much less expensive than getting feudal lords into actual power and allowing them to raise all manner of problems (like in Poland when nobles gradually forced so much priviledges out of king that it eventually turned the state into helplessness and ultimate political joke of liberum veto).

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