Are you saying anti-theists are in favor of eradicating religion from human memory?
If so, no. Wrong.
Simply not making decisions based on fictional fairy tales, doesn't require deleting those fairy tales from historical record or cultural memory.
Only religions obliterate other religions, atheists simply don't believe the stories to be true, and anti-theists simply want humanity to stop being controlled by things that aren't real.
Why would antitheists be rooting for Christianity
I think the “joke” (quotation marks are working extra hard here) is that anti-theists want to get rid of all religion, so they’re rooting for the Christians eradicating a bunch of religions.
It’s likely a misrepresentation of antitheism, but edge lords be edge lords.
Western atheism and antitheism often exist as reactions to Christianity on a factual or ethical basis, while remaining within a Christian cultural and moral context. Historically, Christians and atheists have worked together to attack other religions, such as in the case of the stolen generations in Australia or the cult panic in America. This pattern of behaviour is counterintuitive if you're culturally Christian (as most atheists are), but from a broader cultural perspective it's kind of obvious. Christianity and white atheism exist as offshoots of the same history in the same way that Catholicism and Protestantism do.
If you have an actual understanding of pre-roman polytheism, then you're capable of seeing the difference between belief and worship. A difference Christians have tried to erase, and white atheists have not challenged. Giving up cultural Christianity is beyond most white atheists' ability to even imagine. What I call cultural Christianity, they would just as soon call "common sense" or "reality".
Also I've never met an antitheist who has spent longer than an hour thinking about whether they're advocating cultural genocide of indigenous people.
These are some broad brush strokes, dude.
I agree that modern and western atheism is sort of a dialectal to western religion and so perpetually tied to it in a way, that westerners don't often see.
I agree that atheism as commonly portrayed online (actively and by its detractors alike) is militantly against Islam, all religions, etc.
But lots of atheists are actually humanists and not militantly out to root out all religion entirely.
Inside the US we are plagued by a religious fascism that yes, sadly, colors a looot of the online conversation about faith and atheism.
Atheists are not generally for eradicating all religions on the planet.
Where meme