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FUN FACT: "checks and balances" and "balance of power" don't mean bull-fucking-shit when one of the dudes' check is: "I control all the men with all the guns."

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  • God, could my dad drive an imperialist death machine

  • Walking into Congress and declaring it dissolved, despite being underwater in the polls, hated by the troops, not being an embodiment of the General Will, having no popular/ extra-institutional base of power, causing what everyone would immediately call a Constitutional crisis, and being stuffed into a coat room locker while screaming that I control the troops, I control all the men with guns.

    • John Locke may have been a slave profiteer, a feudalist, and an insufferable nerd, but he was absolutely right about that whole "consent of the governed" thing.

      Really hard to run a country when the trappings of authority fall away and your own cabinet refuses to listen to you.

  • The blinding red light of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalism—principally Maoism—shines upon the people's orchestra, which plays to the inspiring tune of the sixth head of revolution, inspiring the masses as they take up arms in obedient defiance. Biden, our great entryist hero, vanguard of the peasantry, realized in his theoretical journey that the Senate was created to represent the interests of aristocratic landowners and prevent the common ownership of land. Every action taken to undermine the so-called "separation of powers" and push forward the centralization of authority is a godsent gift to the people, who one day will march in harmony to the beat of Biden's revolutionary feats, which wrought thunderous terror on every concrete step of old society, hastening their decay.

  • I'm not sure what this post is implying?

    • Beyond just being a joke/meme post...

      I think he's saying POTUS controls the military, basically, as commander in chief.

      So in theory there's very little stopping the one person with that power from ignoring the other branches thus negating the checks and balances.

      SCOTUS has been ignored before most infamously by Genocider in Chief Andrew Jackson. That resulted in him getting what he wanted with zero consequences.

      I'm not sure of a time when POTUS leveraged the military against congress. That may not have happened... yet. But the presidents have definitely consistently been ignoring congress' constitutional responsibilities and, I suppose duty?, to actually pass bills to allow for authorization of wars/conflicts of any type.

      In theory the president is supposed to get some leniency until congress approves a spending bill and shit to authorize and pay for the war. Now days, and since WWII basically, congress just passes a massive fucking DoD funding bill and the president has control over all that shit with a thin veil of congressional oversight. I mean we see right now that congress has so far refused to pass this Ukraine/Israel funding bill and yet still Biden ships munitions to Israel even while Congress is in the background like "hey! We have to authorize that!" But who is stopping him? Who can or will? 🤔

  • We should probably talk about taking pep pep’s keys

  • Somebody tell the Texan national guard

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