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It makes peace with voting for the Biden

Edit: new and improved image, now with 100% less support! Used my expert photo editing skills to change "supporting" to say "voting for"


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  • Just from a legal standpoint, Roe v. Wade was always iffy because it was basically the Supreme Court making a law from the bench, which is not its constitutionally assigned role.

    If people had wanted to make abortion access a National law, they should have gone through the proper political process and amended the constitution. But they didn’t do that, because they couldn’t get the required majorities in the house and senate, so instead Democrats stacked the court and rammed it through that way.

    No matter how you feel about abortion, it was always a bad decision and a stain on the country, and nullifying was the correct decision. Comparing it to slavery is silly because pregnancy and childbirth are natural functions of the female body, slavery is not. And we did pass an amendment to abolish the latter so states’ rights can no longer allow it.

    That’s how things are supposed to work. The condition is the legal framework that’s applicable in all 50 states and trumps any state right, and as long as a state abides by that they should be free to do whatever the majority of residents want. Like I said, the beauty of this design is you can always move somewhere else if you don’t like it, because chances are, in a country this big there’s always people somewhere that share the same values as you do.

    • I mean, again, we can kind of understand that "just move somewhere else" isn't a great response to issues somewhat might have, right?

      But also, and this will probably be my last point, here, I don't take the same perspective on these kind of legalistic frameworks that you do, I think. I don't give a shit if they go through the proper channels or not to get something done, what I care about is whether or not they're doing something that's right or wrong. I think abortion is a pretty good thing to have for a lot of reasons that I've previously described, so I want it around, I want everyone to have access to their baby-killing stem cell organ harvesting clinic, and that's basically as far as my opinion goes.

      The legal frameworks are the means to the end, they're not the end in-and-of itself. And it's not necessarily that the ends justify the means, or anything, but I have a couple reasons for believing why the means don't really matter in this particular case. Believing that the means themselves are the ends, would kind of be the most absurd perspective to take, you'd have to be an extremely dyed in the wool lib to believe that, you know. You'd have to like, not believe in shit like gerrymandering, fptp voting being fucking ass, not believe in shit like local city councils making zoning decisions that concentrate black voters into smaller and smaller voting blocks and ghettos. Those are all ends that are achieved by "legitimate" political processes here in the states, and were undone by "illegitimate" protests, illegitimate means. Or at least, they were viewed as illegitimate at the time. If everyone who believes in the same shit all move to the same exact place, you get redlining, you get ghettos.

      Again, also, I must point out, we're not debating over whether or not abortion is good or bad, we're debating over the legal framework that established it, now, which isn't really what I'm interested in. I don't really give a shit about that, for the aforementioned reasons. If abortion is a good thing, generally, if it's a good thing for society at large, which, I'm pretty sure is the case, I'm pretty sure we've come to a consensus on that, then I don't really care whether or not people have access to abortions legally or illegally, as long as they have good access, as long as they have safe access. I only care about the legal legitimacy, in this case, of abortion, only in the fact that, perhaps if it had been passed by amending the constitution, some shit that never happens because our democracy sucks, again for aforementioned reasons, right, I only care about the process as much as it enshrines it as a right more concretely.

      But of course, we don't live in that timeline, and I have to deal with current reality.

      • I mean, again, we can kind of understand that "just move somewhere else" isn't a great response to issues somewhat might have, right?

        So you think forcing everyone to just go along with your wishes is a better response, then?

        You realize not everyone in this country shares your opinion on abortion being a good thing, right? Saying you that you don't care by what means it's established as a right IS basically saying that the ends DO justify the means, and that if necessary, you'd be willing to disenfranchise, beat down, or even kill anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion.

        Again, the constitution is the framework of basic rights and prohibitions that we all agree on. And while I agree that having to move somewhere else to get something you really care about, if it's a split issue, like abortion is, where a large enough minority disagrees on it being a good thing, perhaps moving somewhere else isn't as awful a compromise, is it?

        • Again, the constitution is the framework of basic rights and prohibitions that we all agree on.

          I wasn't born when the country was founded, neither were you, probably, unless you're dracula, in which case, I'm sorry sir, I know it must be your time of the month again.

          Actually though. I am growing a little bit tired of this conversation. I've given you some reasons why, in this particular case, I don't think there's a whole lot of problem with circumventing the ridiculous legal systems which prevent us from establishing what I believe should be basic human rights.

          Also yes, I totally believe that I should be able to disenfranchise, beat down, or even kil lanyone who doesn't agree with my opinion. Unironically. That was definitely something I said and is definitely something you can extrapolate from my post. I completely believe that. I should be able to kill everyone. I'm the arbiter of morality. Me personally, I'm god, I'm jesus, I'm judge, jury, and executioner. I think the punisher was cool, so was judge dredd, for sure for sure.

          Did you just skim my post, or something? Gerrymandering, fptp voting being ass, people who, move away, right, because of political issues, and then we end up with ghettoization, redlining, do you just have no response to any of those manifested problems in our actual democracy?

          Even many forms of what we would consider to be pure democracy can be co-opted to enforce the will of a minority of people, and it doesn't even need to be co-opted, to oppress a minority at the behest of the majority. And if that's where your democracy heads, you can just keep the minority from voting, as our founding fathers intended, and badda bing badda boom now you have an even smaller voting majority, which doesn't represent the population's majority, . Which is to say nothing of the kind of lobbied to shit democratic republic in which we live, which is more heavy on the republic side of that equation than most people would have you believe. So I'm not gonna lie to you, and pretend like our ultimate democratic republic manifest is going to solve every problem of humanity, and that if people go through the legitimate channels, everything will be squeaky clean, and we'll solve all problems with the click of a finger. We all just need to vote harder, and that'll be it, right?

          Also, again, for the fucking third time, we're also, again, debating the legal sticking point, here, and not the actual content of whether or not what I'm saying is moral. We're not debating if abortion is good or not. Is abortion good? Do you believe abortion to be good, or bad? Are you "undecided", on this issue? If abortion is good, why is it bad to circumvent the legal framework? to "game the system", here? It isn't even gaming the system, really, these were rules that were laid out from the start of the system, here. Like, is it just bad because theoretically, some evil dictator will take power at some point, and then "game the system" in order to make everyone's lives shit? That seems to me to be a problem, as I've been saying, more to do with the system itself, than to do with "gaming the system". Like, what are we gonna do in that circumstance, ask them nicely just to not "game the system" pretty please?

          Is it a real disagreement we're having here, or is it just kind of a "it's the principle of the thing" kind of a disagreement, I guess is what I'm saying, at the end of the day? I dunno. I keep coming up with new ways to talk about the shit you're saying, but somehow I also think I'm reaching the end of my rope when it comes to, ways to talk about all-encompassing political issues.

          • Alright then, thanks for putting it all out there. I appreciate the honesty. Much easier to argue with people who don't beat around the bush or hide their true intentions like a lot of other folks on this site tend to do.

            Did you just skim my post, or something?

            Yes. Why would I waste my time reading through your walls of text to figure out how exactly you arrived at your idiotic conclusions when I already know what they are? That's gonna be your responsibility to figure out where you went wrong in your chain of causality when you'll meet with the inevitable end of your rope. Because, just to save you some time, those who champion the principle of death over life have always eventually met with their own destruction, and so will you, if you are as hellbent as you seem to be on destroying something you neither seem to understand nor appreciate.

            Is abortion good? Do you believe abortion to be good, or bad? Are you "undecided", on this issue?

            I'm definitely more on the pro-life side on this issue, so I believe abortion is bad unless it's necessary to save the mother's life and the fetus isn't viable. And by "necessary" I mean medically necessary, i.e. in order to avert imminent risk of death, not "there goes my dream to study archeology" or something like that.

            If abortion is good, why is it bad to circumvent the legal framework?

            Because the framework exists for a reason, and it has worked fairly well for the last 250 years. It strikes a careful balance between serving the needs of the majority without excessively oppressing the minority. Yes, I'm sure you can bring up many examples of where minorities were oppressed, but that's always going to happen in a majority-based system. The key word here is "excessively". Many Indians were slaughtered, for example, but they weren't entirely wiped out. We dropped two nuclear bombs on a foreign country but then we didn't wipe them out entirely just because we could, and instead made a peace agreement with them.

            Perhaps you're still young and you don't understand the concept of mercy just yet, but one day you will.

            • Oh, so you're just a troll who's not gonna read any of my shit, then, and you also don't understand sarcasm. Luckily, since I've realized that you're a bad faith tool, I also don't have to afford the same courtesies to you, and waste my time reading your posts or writing a thought-out response.

              You might try reading someday, it might help your dumb ass learn some shit instead of just thinking you're smarter than everyone else all the time, and you've already arrived at the correct conclusions. Also, nice trolling, I'm sure you got your (you)s, but it doesn't really end up working to convince any third reader of this, when you're so obviously cherry picking pieces of my argument.

              • "Boo-hoo, everyone who disagrees with me is a troll and acting in bad faith"

                Was that also sarcasm or are you really this immature?

                Just because I'm picking out the most salient points of your argument to focus on doesn't mean I don't take the time to write a thoughtful response. You call it cherry picking, I call it prioritization. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to read these walls of text and my experience has taught me that debates on the Internet work much better if you only focus on one or two arguments at a time instead of like, 10. That's called respecting people's time, and your terse response, besides being absolute dogshit content-wise, is doing a far better job at it than your previous ones.

                Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

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