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Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President

His achievements have been nothing short of historic.

Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President

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  • Why would I need to take a stance here at all?

    I think this question might have caused my brain to short circuit. You can't disagree with somebody unless you disagree with them about something. I cannot for the life of me fathom how you could possibly ever think otherwise.

    the presidency is supporting a political partnership during high tensions and made a tough decision

    When the thing we're talking about is continuing to aggressively fund a regime currently attempting a genocide, this is a comically lenient way of phrasing things.

    Why is there a need to pivot this with some unhelpful, inaccurate and inflammatory rhetoric?

    Pivot from what? What are you talking about? The vast majority of your reply borders on word soup, and mostly consists of doing the thing you're currently accusing me of doing.

    So, really, what is your deal?

    That writing an article about how great of a guy Biden is while the most pressing thing going on at this very moment is how he won't stop indirectly funding a genocide is ghoulish and repugnant.

    If we're standing together on the street and I point out the guy currently kicking a puppy and start telling you about how much of a nice guy he is, how could you conclude anything about me other than the fact I don't care about the puppy?

    This article is sick.

    • I think this question might have caused my brain to short circuit.

      Yeah, because you expect a certain answer and I'm not giving you that. I'm telling you that I'm not playing your game because I'm calling you out. Your rhetoric sucks.

      continuing to aggressively fund a regime currently attempting a genocide

      You know what's also comically biased? Pretending that that's all they're doing, but go off.

      The vast majority of your reply borders on word soup ... and mostly consists of doing the thing you’re currently accusing me of doing.

      Quote me, do it. If we're doing the same thing I want to see exactly what you mean with examples. Because it seems to me that you don't want to understand and you're now reaching and deflecting. I was very clear with what I meant in my previous comment. I can't help you if you don't want to read it carefully and earnestly.

      he won’t stop indirectly funding a genocide is ghoulish and repugnant

      But that's not what you wrote. You are blaming Democrats as a whole for a political decision, essentially calling every one of them a panel murderers. And now have shifted to single-handedly blaming Biden for this funding when there has been clear bipartisan support. How is it that I'm more informed on this as a foreigner? You see how you're not the one being consistent? And I can quote you if you want although I think it's very clear.

      the guy currently kicking a puppy

      The guy kicking the puppy is in Israel. The people who gave that guy the boots he's using to kick that puppy with with are in the USA. Ultimately, who is really to blame for kicking the puppy? Why do you need to blame people in the US directly for what people in Israel are doing on their own volition by taking advantage of the situation? The people in the US are currently telling them that enough is enough. Do you see what I mean by pivoting or pinning the blame on someone else? Do you see what you're doing?

      This article is sick.

      Nah, you want to make it seem sick to advance your agenda by discrediting it completely based on some unrelated issue. How disingenuous is that.

      • Yeah, because you expect a certain answer and I’m not giving you that.

        I literally just asked what point you were even trying to get across because you weren't making any sense. It's not that deep.

        Pretending that that’s all they’re doing

        Again, what is your stance here? That I should be criticizing everybody more? I'm not going far enough?

        But that’s not what you wrote.

        I'm sorry I didn't fill out the bulletpoint list for you. For the avoidance of doubt:

        • Yes, the democratic party are to blame for this
        • Yes, Biden is to blame for this
        • Yes, the article is bad

        It's a statement that criticises the democratic party, and by extension Biden, explicitly tied back to the article via the structure of the headline.

        The guy kicking the puppy is in Israel.

        It's a metaphor for "doing a bad thing". Funding a regime attempting genocide is a bad thing.

        I know you need my analogy to not work—because it makes it painfully obvious how tone-deaf an article about how great Biden is, written when the most relevant thing he's done recently is funding a genocide—but it's very clearly fine.

        Why do you need to blame people in the US

        If you insist on using your analogy, the US won't stop cheering on the puppy kicker even after everybody's asked them to stop.

        The people in the US are currently telling them that enough is enough.

        They're telling them that enough is enough while continuing to fund their war and doing absolutely nothing to stop them. Words without actions are cheap. Apparently that's enough for you, though?

        you want to make it seem sick to advance your agenda

        my horrific agenda of "genocide is bad, actually"

        • It’s not that deep.

          Exactly, so how are we 6 replies deep and still talking about this? Like, it wasn't complicated to begin with.

          Again, what is your stance here? That I should be criticizing everybody more?

          That's irrelevant. I'm telling you that your rhetoric is bad, nearsighted and inaccurate. Like someone else pointed out, bullshit is bullshit--do better. Invest even those 5 move seconds in thinking through what you're saying instead of casting wide nets, constructing black & white arguments and pretending that things are different than they are because you don't like them. It's lazy. How is that hard to understand?

          I’m sorry I didn’t fill out the bulletpoint list for you.

          Exactly, out of laziness. And now that we can look closely your list is still bad, nearsighted and inaccurate. No lack of insight, no nuance, not a care in the world. Your whole argument is Dems are bad m'kay.

          It’s a metaphor for “doing a bad thing”. Funding a regime attempting genocide is a bad thing.

          I know what a metaphor is. I also know what a bad metaphor is, too.

          Funding a regime attempting genocide is a bad thing.

          And guess what, it was a bipartisan effort all along. But Dems are bad, m'kay.

          it makes it painfully obvious how tone-deaf an article about how great Biden is

          Is giving credit where credit is due tone-deaf now? Can we not hold two different ideas in our head?

          your analogy, the US won’t stop cheering on the puppy kicker

          It's your bad analogy, sweetheart. And nobody's cheering here, you you're just exaggerating once again because you don't like what's happening. It's pretty damn clear.

          Words without actions are cheap. Apparently that’s enough for you, though?

          Again, nothing to do with me. Stick to the topic: your arguments are unhelpful and lazy and nearsighted and inaccurate. Stop trying to change the topic.

          my horrific agenda of “genocide is bad, actually”

          Once again, I said "your agenda", not "your horrific agenda". Show the restraint of an adult, please.

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