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Biden's popularity is at a historic low with 65% disapproval. Americans More Upbeat on the Economy; Biden’s Job Rating Remains Very Low

28% of Americans rate economic conditions as excellent or good, a 9 percentage point increase from last April. And the share who say economic conditions will be worse a year from now has fallen during this timespan, from 46% to 33%.

Americans More Upbeat on the Economy; Biden’s Job Rating Remains Very Low

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  • That's entirely beside the point. You think the fascists are more likely to give you ranked choice than the neo-libs? This line of thinking is nonsensical past superficial idealism. What's your alternative, the greater evil? You think that's going to magically make the ever-so-sightly-further-left corporate party turn progressive?

    How'd that work after 2016? If the wake-up-call strategy was going to work, that would've been the time. And oh look, we got a geriatric neo-liberal. Fun.

    I'm not going to wager a potential fascist dictatorship against the pipe dream that choosing not to vote is a cheat code that what, unlocks the secret actual Leftist candidate? What's the praxis here? This is like sovcit levels of batshit copium fantasy.

    Edit: Downvotes, but no practical alternatives. Idealistic circle jerking.

    • The least you can do is not vote for the status quo, but you won't even do that.

    • You think the fascists are more likely to give you ranked choice than the neo-libs?

      Do you really think that eh neo-libs are more likely than the fascists? Talk about "nonsensical past superficial idealism."

      What’s your alternative, the greater evil? You think that’s going to magically make the ever-so-sightly-further-left corporate party turn progressive?

      Better than your idea. Also, I don't care about 'decorum' and 'civility', so there's not much difference between the two parties in terms of evil; the harm hasn't exactly been reduced under Biden.

      I’m not going to wager a potential fascist dictatorship

      You really think submissively voting for the blue fascist every election is going to stave off dictatorship?

      What’s the praxis here?

      What's yours?

      Anybody who votes for genocide Joe deserves Trump anyway.

      • Do you really think that eh neo-libs are more likely than the fascists?

        Significantly? Hah, no. Mathematically? Yes, absolutely. Extremely unlikely vs. "Oh, you wanted to keep voting? Lol"

        Better than your idea.

        Which is? I'm waiting.

        What’s the praxis here?

        What's yours?

        Use every tool I have in the way it can be used. Voting for the lesser of two evils does not preclude literally any other action you could want to do.

        Anybody who votes for genocide Joe deserves Trump anyway.

        You think Trump would do less Palestinian genocide? He was pretty open about being very pro-Israel and very anti-Palestine. Genocide Trump would be substantially worse for Gaza, and also Ukraine too. That's what "lesser of two evils" means: yes, Biden is awful, but the alternative is worse.

        Until you can show me an actionable alternative, I assume you support increased genocide of Palestinians and genocide of Ukrainians. Because it's a binary choice, and refusal to choose against any option is tacit approval of every option.

        • Mathematically? Yes, absolutely.

          Well I got bad news for you, the odds are zero either way.

          Which is? I’m waiting.

          ??? You even need me to tell you your own idea?

          Use every tool I have in the way it can be used.

          What are you doing other than voting?

          Voting for the lesser of two evils

          Both evils are equivalent (and really they're the same evil.)

          You think Trump would do less Palestinian genocide?

          He certainly wouldn't do more. Also listen to yourself; you're literally justifying supporting genocide.

          Genocide Trump would be substantially worse for Gaza

          Don't believe you.

          and also Ukraine too

          Don't believe you

          That’s what “lesser of two evils” means

          Yes, I'm well aware that people who say it mean that "the evil things I'm imagining Trump will do are worse than the actual things Biden is doing."

          I assume you support increased genocide of Palestinians and genocide of Ukrainians.

          Oh, we're doing this now? "I assume you support eating babies and killing kittens, thus making me the more virtuous!"

          Because it’s a binary choice

          Actually it's not, and I know much it makes you fascists seethe that you can't force me to vote for you.

          and refusal to choose against any option is tacit approval of every option.

          If you vote for Genocide Joe Biden, you deserve every horror you imagine Trump will unleash on you.

          • What are you doing other than voting?

            Voting is one more thing than you.

            Genocide Trump would be substantially worse for Gaza

            Don't believe you.

            and also Ukraine too

            Don't believe you

            Okay? So you're uniformed or just illiterate? Your beliefs mean nothing to me, the evidence already suggests you're a Russian State propagandist, or you've fallen for one.

            Because it’s a binary choice

            Actually it's not, and I know much it makes you fascists seethe that you can't force me to vote for you.

            It's very simple math. If you can't grasp it, maybe you should change your username to just "box".

            So long as you continue to antagonize every leftist who disagrees with you, all you'll ever have is impotent idealism. What exactly is your plan of action? Where is your grassroots, your revolution, if every mathematically and politically literate leftist is a fascist to you?

            I'm substantially left of center. Who do you think the proletariat are? How do you expect to mobilize them? How do you get three hundred million people to march in unison, when you call them all genocidal fascists? If they are all fascists, how do you ever hope to win?

            Except you're compromised by propaganda, specifically designed to weaken the left (and the US) in order to empower Russian oligarchs. I don't expect you to propose any actual action. I expect you to continue to insist that letting Putin's puppet win will somehow rid the world of billionaire oligarchs.

            • Voting is one more thing than you.

              So much for mr "I'm using every tool".

              Okay? So you’re uniformed or just illiterate? Your beliefs mean nothing to me, the evidence already suggests you’re a Russian State propagandist, or you’ve fallen for one.

              See? You're every bit as much a paranoid fascist as any MAGA chud; why should I be any more afraid of them than you?

              It’s very simple math. If you can’t grasp it, maybe you should change your username to just “box”.

              Fucking. Seethe. Fascist.

              So long as you continue to antagonize every leftist who disagrees with you

              Project harder, fascist.

              What exactly is your plan of action?

              What is yours? Round up all the spooky Russians into camps?

              if every mathematically and politically literate leftist is a fascist to you?

              You engage in fascism, you are a fascist. Leftism is wholly incompatible with saying things like "evidence already suggests you’re a Russian State propagandist".

              I’m substantially left of center.

              That's bleak.

              How do you expect to mobilize them?

              How do you? Witch hunts against "Russian State Propagandists"? Telling them 'Your beliefs mean nothing to me'? Maintaining that anyone who disagrees with you is actually a treasonous foreigner?

              when you call them all genocidal fascists?

              I'm calling you a genocidal fascist, you arrogant shithead.

              Except you’re compromised by propaganda, specifically designed to weaken the left (and the US) in order to empower Russian oligarchs.

              Great "leftism" there bro, totally not raving fascist rhetoric.

              Putin’s puppet

              Why not just blame all your problems on 'Woke' at this point?

              • You still haven't provided any actions. Deflect deflect deflect, always complain that everyone else isn't doing enough. Call them liberals, fascists, declare they're not pure enough. Other them to draw attention away from yourself. Emotional, blaming, divisive language, anything to distract from your own lack of actionable content.

                No more deflection, no more distractions. You tell me, specifically, what your alternative action is. Tell me how it's, materially, impossible to do while also voting against Project 2025.

                Or, prove me right by continuing to deflect. Go silent, or say I'm not worth informing, or you don't have to explain yourself to some [insert political slur here]. Show the readers actual praxis, or show them that all you have is deflection. Your choice.

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