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Every time I see this community, my blood runs cold.

Steel bands tighten around my heart. My knees knock and my vision wavers. But then I remember I'm not on Reddit, and metacanada has not yet replaced the moderation team with pod people.

What measures are in place to ensure the continuing security of our moderation team? If it won't compromise them to tell us.


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  • I'd say the best way is probably to post and comment stuff you'd want to see. Participate actively.

    It's harder to change a community's vibe after its been established, so now is the best time to get some social inertia and make this into a more pleasurable space than /r/Canada.

    • It might be hard, but they did it. /r/Canada used to be a great community. It was attacked, invaded, and destroyed. This post is tongue-in-cheek, but if there is any significant Reddit migration, I don't doubt that the community really will be attacked.

      • I observed that crazy transition too. I think the big question was whether it was coincidental/series of unfortunate decisions/mistakes that led to it, or if it was a concerted effort by a group.

      • No doubt, I appreciate someone bringing this topic up because as you say, right-wingers will try to sabotage any healthy online community. They do seem to especially target local, provincial/state and national subreddits, which can be fertile grounds for propaganda. I'm pretty active on /r/newbrunswickcanada where there are definitely a ton of right-wing shit-stirrers trying to establish their perspective on issues.

        But while moderation is important, the community has to be actively involved in making this space into what we want to see. A big reason /r/Canada sucks isn't only the presence of the /r/metacanada types, it's the absence of reasonable people. I also remember when /r/Canada was decent, and I didn't leave when I first starting seeing fashy takes, because you'll see those everywhere on the internet. I left because eventually I realized most people I could enjoy discussing with were leaving/had already left.

        The more one participates in an online community, the more one can attract like-minded people to that community.

        • I dunno, I think we've come to a point where we really do have to distinguish between potential conservative allies, and outright fascists.

          • This is a good point, but I'd like to add that we should also distinguish between lower-case conservatives and the Conservative Party of Canada.

            I know and love plenty of conservative people. We have different ways of seeing the world, and believe different methods to be best to achieve our goals, but ultimately we all want everyone to live happy, fulfilling lives.

            If you align with the Conservative Party of Canada, you are much closer to fascism than I am willing to associate with, and frankly I am too queer to feel safe around these people.

        • I think in the interest of building a healthy community we can acknowledge that the problem is not "people with right-wing views" despite whatever other problems might be fair to blame on them as a block. We're talking about aggressively anti-social people who don't really believe in governance and humanism at all. They appropriate right-wing politics when its convenient but they aren't really political in that sense. They're just assholes.

          • We’re talking about aggressively anti-social people who don’t really believe in governance and humanism at all.

  , your typical modern conservative?

            I say that slightly tongue-in-cheek, but I do stand by that the people you describe are almost exclusively going to be right-wing.

            That's definitely not to say that there's never been any online communities negatively impacted by left-wing politics. I can't even remember the number of subreddits I used to enjoy that have been overtaken by tankies/Stalinists/Maoists/Soviet-apologizers.

            • I would say that they almost exclusively adopt a right-wing persona, but I don't think that someone who isn't trying to constructively engage really fits on the left/right spectrum. We might have different values, and we might even disagree on what it means to do so, but ultimately we're all supposed to be pulling for the common good. I think that anyone who is not working towards the common good is better described using other terms, so that we don't alienate our allies. A kleptocrat is not left or right. A corporate agent engaging in legislative capture is not left or right. And a bunch of vandals who get a sexual thrill out of upsetting people on the Internet are not left or right.

              • Honestly, I think this is being a bit generous to the right. Maybe the right thirty years ago was as you describe, but not anymore. Major right-wing institutions have done little to nothing to push back these people supposedly "adopting a right-wing persona", because they realized these people are an amazing way to push the social narrative to the right and amass more power.

                I think respectable right-wing politics are dead (or at the very least, on life-support) in a post-Trump era. The Republican Party was initially pretty hostile to Trump and his style of politics, until they realized they could exploit it to garner more power.

                I highly recommend watching Innuendo Studio's video on YouTube, The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low. The whole series is worth a watch, but this video in particular shows how good faith attempts to reach across the political spectrum are easily exploited by fascists.

              • I see you still believe. Good on you. At this point, breathing smoke from a wildfire brought to us by right wing policy, believed and voted for by right wing people, I can no longer believe. I've ran out of benefit of the doubt to give.

                • I know this is going into the weeds but this thread is all weeds.

                  What policy are you referring to?

                  • I imagine they're referring to Fox News and similar outlets describing the current situation with forest fire smoke as "liberal propaganda", and implying that the dangers of smoke inhalation are false, a leftist hoax.

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