Radio Head
Radio Head
Really ironic that Yorke and Jonny Greenwood are Zionists since OK Computer was influenced by writers like Chomsky.
Radio Head
Really ironic that Yorke and Jonny Greenwood are Zionists since OK Computer was influenced by writers like Chomsky.
Once again, I am vindicated in my choice to not listen
I feel vindicated in choosing to never read Chomsky
Parenti 5 lyfe
if you want to chase that feeling these articles will enhance the high
Massive Attack in the meantime is going beast mode on Twitter sharing stuff like this:
Prosperity guardian
Unfinished Sympathy
Lots of people hating on Radiohead here. I fuckin love Radiohead so this really sucks. Now I need some new karaoke songs too ffs. Why couldn't they just be cool
Why couldn't they just be cool
I feel this so much these days. Like motherfucker why couldn't you just be cool? Better to be silent than open your mouth and be known for a fool. I don't look at celebrity news anymore because I'm running low on artists from my childhood.
It’s always kinda annoying when people on here shit on the quality of something when it’s found of they’re a shit person. It’s dumb.
What do you like about them? I'll find you something better.
Honestly I just grew up listening to them and singing them. I'm a hobbyist singer and Thoms vocal range and tone fits my voice perfectly. I've been singing Radiohead songs in my car and living room and in karaoke bars for like 15 years. It's not gonna be replaceable unfortunately.
I'll have to go back to everyone thinking I'm a weirdo by singing They Might Be Giants songs instead. NOBODY RUIN THEM FOR ME TOO FFS.
People make fun of me for being a DJ but EDM is all I've got left after the bands I grew up with keep getting rightfully cancelled
Kill your heroes
jonny greenwood was caught liking terf tweets a few years back fuck em
We're reaching levels of cancel culture that shouldn't even be possible
I feel validated for never liking radiohead now
I'm certain they're fucking awful. I've only heard Creep and I know it's not a typical song ofntheres, but I know for an absolute fact they're fucoing trash
I've only heard Creep and I know it's not a typical song ofntheres
"Not a typical song of theirs" is an understatement. That whole first album is just sort of generic warm fuzzy sounding 90s alt-rock wall of sound stuff, and everything after that is weird experimental stuff that got progressively more incoherent over the years.
motherfucker ruined the suspiria remake.
I mean so did the asshole who thought he'd be the guy to reprise a classic proto black metal soundtrack but in their defense I guess Trent Reznor was busy
Oh shit. I saw the original Suspiria last year and loved it, the soundtrack of course is a major character in the film and so cool. Since then I have been meaning to check out the teenage with Thom Yorke even though I hate Radiohead (Johnny Greenwood's scores have been pretty good, so).
Good to know though
There really ought to be a comm where people post their favorite artists and then we ruin it for them
kill ur heroes
Turns out its actually a Crappy Computer.
cursed Island full of mutants
well, there's Roger Waters, but otherwise, pretty much
OK Computer was influenced by writers like Chomsky.
Can you elaborate lol
[makes a fart noise with his butt]
The album's lyrics, written by Yorke, are more abstract compared to his personal, emotional lyrics for The Bends. Critic Alex Ross said the lyrics "seemed a mixture of overheard conversations, techno-speak, and fragments of a harsh diary" with "images of riot police at political rallies, anguished lives in tidy suburbs, yuppies freaking out, sympathetic aliens gliding overhead." Recurring themes include transport, technology, insanity, death, modern British life, globalisation and anti-capitalism. Yorke said: "On this album, the outside world became all there was ... I'm just taking Polaroids of things around me moving too fast." He told Q: "It was like there's a secret camera in a room and it's watching the character who walks in—a different character for each song. The camera's not quite me. It's neutral, emotionless. But not emotionless at all. In fact, the very opposite." Yorke also drew inspiration from books, including Noam Chomsky's political writing, Eric Hobsbawm's The Age of Extremes, Will Hutton's The State We're In, Jonathan Coe's What a Carve Up! and Philip K. Dick's VALIS.
Right wing bands like Radiohead have never been my cup of tea.
I definitely feel vindicated
I always hated Radiohead, so this doesn't affect me much. Seriously, if I wanted to listen to a guy incoherently piss and moan over the worst techno beats ever, I'd walk into a dive bar with a snare drum.
Lmao everyone sucks
At least we still have Danny DeVito
what a creep. what a weirdo. what the hell is he doing here? he doesn't belong here.
Radiohead are objectively good and people in this thread have shit taste
Just weird "well I didn't like you anyway" contrarian energy
Shit people can be good artists
It's a bit of a tendency to fixate on it that everyone from Fascists to Communists has nowadays - the people accused of bad stuff usually get outraged and go fash at the backlash or whatever.
Pure opportunism, and attempting to salvage a source of high income.
Ultimately, a lot of art is made by people with questionable ideology - often without saying anything about it. I know comrades that enjoy Varg's music (literal Nazi murderer), but I also prefer not to listen to say the Smiths or Ramstein, despite knowing I'd probably enjoy it.
It's a lot of bickering and kind of a dead end in the world of art, but a huge part of modern lib politics where that's the almost only thing you're allowed to truly question and argue about. Listening or not listening to a decent but overrated rock band isn't really going to change much, except for being an offshoot of the lib saying from 10 years ago "vote with your wallet"
By Martin Espada
At the poets’ panel, after an hour of poets debating Ezra Pound, Abe the Lincoln veteran, remembering the Spanish Civil War, raised his hand and said: If I knew that a fascist was a great poet, I’d shoot him anyway
Id imprison him in a room where he's only allowed to make poetry.
This is half a joke. But i am anti death penatly, so what happens to a fash who makes good art and isnt rehabable would basically probably be that.
Radiohead is only 'good' to hipsters who have bad taste in music
how does getting head from a radio even work?
They're objectively bad. Sorry that you have a copy of Pitchfork magazine in place of a brain.
There not objectively bad but I do think Thom Yorke’s plaintive melancholy dirges benefit a lot from the way Radioheads rhythm section and Greenwood’s instrumentation transform them into something new. They’ve also kind of hit a late/mature stage groove since in Rainbows where I don’t think they really push themselves the way they used to, and their music is becoming less interesting and more predictable.
That they are ‘objectively bad’ is a classic hot take, although usually in response to their crossover appeal/ the amount of ‘normie’ listeners they have, rather than there being Zionists.
Nick Cave is another one whose come out recently refusing to boycott Israel (I think he likened the pressure to bullying or something ridiculous).
Peoples politics are really made by experience. Like a lot of actors for example have reasonably left wing politics because, at some point early in their career they often did experience struggle and exploitation. But a rockstars life is about as pampered as you can get, and the ones that are successful usually find success while their young, so it’s not surprising so many of them have shit politics.
Wait what??
Ok, in 2017 they were pressurd to boycott/cancel a gig in Israel and refused and it got heated. That's what this is about.
Never did like their shit it was always mid and overrated
I really like Radiohead's music but they've been politically bad for a long time. They were really into the "Free Tibet" shit back in day and would hang Tibet flags on their equipment at shows.
Kinda feels like they're just really nailing the 2000s "Hey...we have an peace? Just something to think about" vibe
I don't like Radiohead, but Pharrell has made quite a few songs I love and he's also a zionist
I thought he died lol
i wish he would die lol
Maybe you confused him for Chester Bennington
I was right to always think their music was annoying.
sigh I think this is real. I really love The Bends and Ok Computer. What a stupid, stupid decision. I don't even get it. You have to be so far up your ass to look at something like this and say "you know what, I should make a statement on this, people really value my opinion" wtf no, just shut the fuck up. "Israel" is killing a whole culture, protests are happening all around the globe, 95% of the world voted for a ceasefire. Even if you go off just statistics, siding with "Israel" is an awful choice.
i mean the situation is so horrific that they can't avoid making a statement. choosing to play a show in tel aviv in the face of protesting fans would not be apolitical.
he comes from money and is a westerner
Radiohead is the Neil Degrasse Tyson of music
bloody wanker :ukkk:
What is that? Like some old timey Gen-X band?
Never liked Thom Yorke or Radiohead, I just like that one song "No Surprises". His position on Palestine is not surprising though, I remember reading an interview he did along side Howard Zinn. Zinn said that Artists have a duty to be political, while Yorke says it's not his job. I also remember him being a big fan of the 80s-90s comedy show "Married with Children", anyone remember that show, knows how misogynistic it is. Has Yorke fully turned into a bitter old Anglo like Morrissey yet?
I'm going to have to listen to some of these bands to remind me what songs they wrote
Two of the biggest zionists I used to be friends with are big Radiohead fans, welp
I saw Colin playing with Nick Cave a few months ago and it was awesome, I hope he doesn't share the same opinions because him and Nick were cool
Holy fuck, he literally did the iT's cOmpLiCateD thing on Palestine lmfao
Brian Eno based again
Happens a lot with bands that make it big. He's a millionaire at this point, probably with a lot of investments, his class interests align with his fellow bourgeoise, regardless of how radical he was in his youth.
I've never seen anything from Thom Yorke that indicates he's a Zionist... This looks like random shit-talk from a nobody.
It's real:
Footage from the concert in question (apologies for the source):
He Ra on my head till I Dio
oh, for FUCK'S sake. i'm so upset i'm gonna put on my pirated version of No Surprises on repeat and cry