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  • I miss mostly anonymous people cracking games without running around screaming from the rafters about gremlins in their modems stealing their breakfast bars. I can't believe most if not all Denuvo releases are now only cracked by this person.

    • shit, what happens when she kicks the bucket? maybe someone else will emerge but it's been so long already, and they haven't, so it could take years and years

      • Demand is what causes Supply. Somewhere out there is someone with the skill to crack Denuvo, but no need to, because this lunatic is already doing it. And being the competition means being on empress' radar, which is really something a sane person would not want.

      • We wait until Denuvo gets patched out of a game. There are so many games to play, you can survive without playing Denuvo protected ones.

  • I may or may not have done some cracking since the early 90s.
    Back then three things were true for me to start that hobby:

    1. Had a computer and lots of free time.
    2. Had 0 money but friends that would lend me a game for a week or two.
    3. Had access to burnable media.

    This was mostly me trying to keep playing games after giving the disk (or disks) back.
    However, once I might have cracked GTA (the original), the rush of finally understanding how a debugger worked and figuring it out, made actually playing less apealing than the whole figuring it out.

    It made me rent games then just try figuring out how to crack them, but that was financially killing me as again I had nothing to begin with and I was now at minus some.

    Granted that none of the early protections were anything similar to Denuvo.
    In most cases, it was just a case of blocking a cd check here and there. Some had hilarious protections where the game would screw the player if detected: RA2 would be probably the most famous I remember. Often than not it made me paranoid if I had triped a trap and the game was being unfair or bugged.

    Somehow I kept going until I shifted towards the Hackintosh scene.

    Then when the first humble bundle appeared and people pirated it, it disgusted me to no avail and finally left this part of my life.

  • OMG, its like being at the point in your RPG game where you are tasked to retrieve the DRM-free game, but you know the price from the crazed troll is going to be your rogue's head and all your gear, else more violence.

  • The popularly linked post in this thread has a link to empress' Indian rant but that's dead now, so here's a screenshot :