I love lying or sitting and listening to the rain. Ok I also love deliberately walking in the rain if it’s warm enough out. Ok yeah I just like rain apparently. the sound is just so soothing.
Work has been tough. I'm miserable 9-6, 6 days a week. But I didn't want to abandon them during the busy season so I'm just hanging in there for now. Only two more weeks until I get my Christmas bonus then I'm giving my two-week notice.
Doing okay otherwise. Glad I have a supportive husband who has taken on kitchen and laundry duties since I've been so busy.
Honestly I think I've finally come to realize that I'm just bored of life, tired of existing. Iunno what I'll do with my life anymore and I don't even know if I care to figure out something to do. Tryin'a keep this at least somewhat lighthearted, skirting some details here but like
There have been a lot of days recently where I just want to take a month off from "Adulting". Not just a month off from my job, but paying bills, shopping, all those little things you have to do to continue existing. I want to work on personal projects, volunteer, play games, relax...
I'm hanging in there. House is a mess, because we just got fumigated for termites. The garage door is broken. We don't have heat right now (thank goodness we live in a warm climate). But I'm still so thankful for what I have. Spouse has been such a help through all this.