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I miss reddit

Warning: This is a rant.

I don't really know how to describe it but the content isn't quite where reddit had been for me. Also the comments are kind of weird at times, like they type of person here doesn't quite seem as 'normal' as what I'm used to from reddit.

There's a lot more open source and privacy focused people and conversations. A lot of people seem to hate on big tech and big companies in a sort of toxic-ish feeling way to me (not to say the other relationship isn't toxic.. just saying). Random conversations go into: "omg your privacy is lost cause you used a Google service." Then we have the 'if we don't defederate with Meta the world ends' conversations. I personally would like to see what Meta does in the fediverse.. maybe it will make it more normalized..idk. Then the: "if your app isn't open source its awful and terrible for the world" people.

Like that stuff is all fine, but it just isn't quite my cup of tea.

These things remind me of that one person in my comp sci classes in college who I just couldn't stand talking to. He would try to make you feel like an idiot by trying to sound all self righteous and smart. (Honestly he would fail and would generally look like a dingus).

The bulk of the content that gets comments seem to be mostly meme atm. At least on all (7/10 of the current top for me are memes). I like my memes, but would like some more breadth/depth.

Like I hope Lemmy continues to grow and hope it gets better, but it leaves me missing reddit at the moment.

In a perfect world I wish reddit corp wasn't such assholes and this whole thing didn't happen the way it did.

I'm completely skipping the UI and stuff not being as familiar and the various outages/bugs/etc since that's to be expected with something at this stage.

Please don't hate me :) Just sharing my unpopular opinion. Though I genuinely wonder if others feel the same way.



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  • not to be a dick, but good riddance to anyone implying meta isn't an unethical, monster of a corporation that is defined by it's opportunism, serves only it's own interests, and has forfeited any and all good faith it may once have had. trust them at your own peril, and go back to reddit.

    • csm10495: Hey, guys. Can we not be assholes about why we are here?

      becool: Not to say "fuck you and get out" but fuck you and get out.

      Personally, I see both sides of this matter. As a long time redditor, I am seething at the thought spez is effectively claiming "We are entitled to all the free data users gave us over the years and to jack up our API prices which will make for a worse user experience. I also think there is a right way and a wrong way to discuss the overreach of some people, like spez, who have a pathological lack of awareness in a way which makes constructive resolution easier and more imminent.

      For example, instead of what you wrote, I might have said something like "Fortunately, reddit is still a thing and we can work on showing the people over there just how shitty spez's actions have been and how they will lead to a worsening experience for them while simultaneously encouraging them to join kbin".

      I'm not saying your position and its premises are necessarily wrong; I am saying time, place, and manner of communication often -- if not always -- matter.

    • See.. this is the type of comment that cements my opinion. I don't really care about the 'meta' of the platform at the moment. Most businesses tend to be this way in this world. There can be a separate conversation on that pitfalls of today's capitalism. I just want a link aggregator with friendly people that is usable for all.

      If those friendly people wind up coming from Threads or whatever, that's ok with me. It doesn't have to be ok with others though, I won't push my opinion on others at least in this context.

      I gave my opinion and you gave good riddance. That isn't exactly welcoming.

      • I mean, there are dozens of rational and polite comments in this thread, and you’re choosing this one comment to ‘cement your opinion’. I’m a techie, but I don’t know if I’m one of those weird people you talk about, or just a normal person you want. I have noticed less hostility in the comments, and the hostile ones like this one stand out because the friendly ones are most prevalent. I also have been seeing more and more of the text based communities gain traction over the past week with more normal people stories, and hope they gain even more traction in the coming days.

        As for Reddit, I have been occasionally visiting some of my niche communities that haven’t migrated over, but have decided not to participate in anything there. I have also noticed that the Reddit front page is now a lot similar to Lemmy, that I often can’t tell if I’m on Reddit or Lemmy. I saw a post there today about some guy playing a song on piano for 3 girls, and the top 10 comments with thousands of upvotes were all the same old Reddit tropes of panties down, floor wet, leave some pussy for us, and so on. I’m noticing them more and more because of how different the comment section on Lemmy is.

        You don’t have to feel bad about staying here or visiting Reddit or doing them both at the same time. You have no obligation for either site.

      • Reddit is somewhat known for being unwelcoming as well though?

        For myself, honestly no I don't miss it at all. But mostly b/c I'll stay with Reddit, after a month's hiatus for protest, and probably only check it once a week for an hour rather than multiple times a day as before. There's a particular gaming community over there that doesn't post much content here yet, and even while I'm trying to help do my part there, I still want to be informed... which means at least reading Reddit (probably via Teddit to deprive them of traffic). I'm also on Squabbles too. Some people also are saying that is more welcoming than most Lemmy servers, especially - I don't know about that b/c wouldn't you see mostly the same content b/c of federation? - but in any case it could be a thought to try different instances, maybe especially smaller ones.

        It depends on what you wanted it for tbh. If you can stand to be on Reddit, then go for it? Maybe also stay here too, if you like certain parts of it, and get the best of both worlds. You can't force people to be welcoming, you can only find places where they hang out and then you hang out there too. Squabbles is fairly welcoming - it's being described right now as something like toxically non-toxic, as in activist-level hunting down of toxic personality traits, I can't really explain it but check it out if you are interested:-).

        Good luck, and I hope that you find what you need. Also, please remember to use social media responsibly rather than let it use you: it is addictive regardless of what platform you find yourself on, and maybe you are awakening to that possibility b/c of the switch, i.e. if you moved back you would find that it was no longer "the same" as it was before, b/c of your new understanding of that fact? If so, hopefully these growing pains lead to something better:-).

      • Reddit wasn't welcoming to opinions outside the hivemind either, you just didn't notice because you were inside it.

        You're basically telling everyone to be nice and pretend these same kinds of people who killed reddit for us won't kill the fediverse when we have every reason to believe they will, and you don't want us to talk about it or do anything about it?

        I don't really get why you're here in the first place. If you liked reddit and don't hate modern social media why not just stay there? People came here to avoid what meta could do to the fediverse and avoid what reddit became. Why are you acting surprised that people are acting that way?

        • You’re basically telling everyone to be nice and pretend these same kinds of people who killed reddit for us won’t kill the fediverse when we have every reason to believe they will, and you don’t want us to talk about it or do anything about it?

          Up to now, I've asked probably like 6 times in various different threads on kbin / lemmy / mastadon

          Nobody has given a concrete mechanism by which federating with Meta will kill the Fediverse. At most people just parrot out the acronym "EEE" and link the singular article by Ploum and pretend like they've said something meaningful

          Federation is like email. I'm not going to block Gmail off from my email server because there are millions of people who use Gmail. It would be a disservice to my open standard to be blocking off millions of people from communicating with me. Instance owners are not going to give them their admin passwords. The Lemmy devs aren't going to close source Lemmy and license it to Meta.

          It's not even like federation is a permanent thing. Instance owners can federate and as soon as Meta brings negative consequences they can defederate. The main risk I see is a large influx of people.. which is not a bad thing, especially once it stabilizes. It would mean more people make more subs and all sorts of niche things will start to pop up - the only really nice thing about reddit.

          So tell me, what is the urgent crisis attitude for? How is this the end of the world? Why do we see post after post of people freaking out about this? Instance owners can't even sign an NDA without getting death threats.

          • You are making one big assumption: that if federation is like email, it will survive. Actually, email didn't survive the way it was in the early 2000s. Only big providers are allowed effectively to send email and have email get received. 90% of home-served emails are BLOCKED by the likes of gmail, yahoo etc. That's how they fight spam. By unilaterally blocking most home servers. So if big social media become big in the federation space, they will block all small instances too (by first embracing them for a few years). And so many people won't be able to access their friends on the big social media, and they will have to move out from their instances and to big social media. So, yes, allowing Meta and ANY other company to connect to non-corporated instances is the wrong strategy for these protocols/platforms. It's sad that we will have to do that, because there's nothing better than having your friends and family over on our side of the world, but the harsh reality is that in 5-8 years we would be sad that we let them use us.

      • I don't think the point is to be welcoming to big tech messing up another platform. Seriously, which big tech platform hasn't had a scandal around fucking over its users?

        I understand the feeling of not having the kind of content you vibe with yet. There's a lot of stuff on Reddit that I miss too. This is still primarily a Western audience, while Reddit was just starting to get popular in my country.

        The insufferable people going on about open source and privacy is the reason we have Lemmy in the first place. If you don't have strong opinions and a desire to get away from big corporations, why would you make Lemmy in the first place?

        The algorithms big tech uses to boost engagement on their platforms is the reason things don't stay friendly on their platforms. So, it's fine if they come over but helping extend the reach of big tech over Lemmy is a serious no no.

        Think of a union striking. Yes, it could impact your daily life and inconvenience you by making you late to your appointment. But, at the end of the day, they're fighting for your right to reasonable working conditions just as much they are fighting for theirs. You don't have to actively support them, just not oppose them for the slight benefit of your present convenience!

        For example, the "normal" people are the ones who will complain about jobs going overseas but then not buy American because of minimal price differences! Here's a link that talks about the case of American Apparel.

      • You gave your opinion and he did as well. I agree with becool, Meta has proven themselves to be an extremely unethical and untrustworthy company throughout the years. I believe it's in the best interest of the fediverse for instances to distance themselves from Meta. That said, there's nothing stopping you from using multiple platforms, or working to foster the type of community and culture you want here.

        This is still the very early days of the fediverse and it will no doubt change a lot in the coming months and years. If there were things you liked about reddit then try to bring that culture here and you might attract more like minded people.

    • not to be a dick

      go back to reddit

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