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Old School Cool ickplant

Toddler blowing out mom's cigarette match. Long Island, NY, USA, 1950s


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  • Was born in 1957. Grew up with everyday second hand smoke. Was generally unaware of it until my young teenage years. Then couldn't tolerate it. Would stuff a towel under my bedroom door to keep the smoke from creeping in during my mom's a.m. ciggy and coffee in the kitchen. Am a nonsmoker today and will walk across the street to avoid someone smoking. Yeeeech.

    • I grew up outside of the US in the 1980s when everyone smoked everywhere. Homes, restaurants, planes. I still can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke, it makes me physically sick.

      • FWIW, my mother died in 1991 of lung cancer. She started at age 15. Kept smoking until she could no longer. RIP Pearl.

        • RIP, Pearl. I feel bad for all the people who got addicted and then got sick and died because tobacco executives knowingly lied.

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