Well, the workers didn't own the means of production, they didn't abolish currency, they didn't do anything about class division, they didn't abolish the state, they didn't empower the working class, and they aren't going to do any of these things later, but on the other hand, you clearly think mao was very trustworthy so surely you must just be taking his word for it.
"land tilled by the peasantry was increasingly subject to government control, undoing many key principles of ownership as we shall see in the subsequent section ‘The Collectivisation of Agriculture.’"
So... the government took it. Making it a meaningless gesture. Communism is not when the government owns things.
Y'know it's not hard to figure this stuff out. The government took everything in china. That doesn't even take research, that's basic knowledge.
Bold of you to call me "fucking stupid" when you didn't even read your own source, not to mention that that's ONE of the requirements, not all of them, and they didn't even do that.
"I don't need to even research it's knowledge that comes from the sky"
Yes I feel very comfortable calling you a fucking idiot. Especially trying to accuse me of not reading the source when you skipped past to the very last paragraph to dishonestly quote out of context a line that even within itself betrays the fact that you're being a dishonest piece of shit.
You said they didn't do anything about class division and being the debatelord idiot you are, you decided to ignore the fact as you read it that they abolished an entire landlord class so you could stay on course with your reply.
Especially trying to accuse me of not reading the source when you skipped past to the very last paragraph to dishonestly quote out of context a line that even within itself betrays the fact that you’re being a dishonest piece of shit.
Who owns land in china? the chinese government. So, no, they did not even make an attempt.
You said they didn’t do anything about class division and being the debatelord idiot you are, you decided to ignore the fact as you read it that they abolished an entire landlord class so you could stay on course with your reply.
When the government takes everything is that solving class division in your mind, or is that just creating a new class that owns everything?
Now, what I want you to try to do, with your very useful and very large brain is compare the list of things that make communism, and compare the list of things that the chinese did, right, and notice that the chinese didn't do any of them.
Abolish class division < they created a new class, their own bourgeois, and took everything. This could ARGUABLY be an attempt... and it's the best you've got.
Abolish currency < not even attempted
Abolish the state < not even attempted
Give the workers the means of production < not even attempted
So, at best, they attempted one of the things... and didn't do it.
And when I say you don't need research for this, I'm saying that it's common knowledge that the chinese government took anything... Even gradeschoolers know that.