Beginner question here:
My grandfather gave me both of his cameras, because he's suffering from Macular degeneration and can't use them anymore. One of his Cameras is the EOS IX which works with the discontinued APS-films. Is there any way to still use this camera? Or will just be a (relatively) pretty paperweight?
The other camera is a Canon A-1 in a very good condition, so I think i have a decent foundation to start a new hobby.
I’m not familiar with the eos ix. If it’s a different gauge film it would be a matter of sourcing it and then finding out if your local photo shop processes it or learn to develop it yourself.
A-1 is still pretty popular these days. I have an ae1 I use time to time. FD lenses are still being used in mirrorless world so can be easy to find in second hand market.
Enjoy! Film photography isn’t just for the hipsters. It’s hella fun and the purest form of the craft itself. Just expensive..
Thank you for your kind and motivating words!
The eos ix uses APS film which come in a special casing that isn't produced anymore, meaning you won't get new films anymore. I was (faintly) hoping for way to use a camera that has no compatible films available.
They do make digital film cartridges that might work for at least one of your cameras: It effectively replaced the film with a microsensor on old cameras