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We are rapidly approaching the dystopian time Star Trek envisioned but it’s worse - Lemmit Star Trek: Deep Space Nine accidentally predicted the 2020s by writing about the 1990s

Income inequality, homelessness, and other social ills of the 2020s — predicted by TV writers looking out their windows in 1995.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine accidentally predicted the 2020s by writing about the 1990s
A Boring Dystopia Lemmit.Online bot
We are rapidly approaching the dystopian time Star Trek envisioned but it’s worse
  • Things are definitely getting worse before they get better.

    And I bet we will go through the same thing in another 50 years.

  • The title is somewhat misleading and clickbait as the author goes into detail that this “dystopian time” has always existed; it’s nothing more than amplified now.

    Similar to any piece of satire, it wasn’t made to just predict the future, it spotlights an issue.

    It’s why Star Trek is so good. Same goes for South Park or American Dad which also highlight current political issues.