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Infrared interviews Professor Grover Furr! They discuss Stalin and the mountain of lies told about him!

First of all, i know Infrared isnt popular with many of you here, and thats ok. However i think this interview will be valuable to many of you, even if you dont like Infrared.

For those who dont know, Professor Grover Furr is a historian who has written many books debunking so called "stalinist crimes". He investigated extensively topics such as the Holodomor, the Great Purges, Khrushchevs Secret Speech in 1956, the deportations of ethnic minorities during WW2, the Katyn Massacre and many more. These topics are discussed here.


  • who/what is infared and why do people not like them?

    • Infrared is a youtube ML channel that focuses mainly on debates and general entertainment while also politically orientated. While the Infrared team consists of several members, the main member who does most of the content is Haz, a lebanese american man. Hes not very liked over here because he has several, lets say, controversial takes on some things, mainly relating to identity politics, LGBT, patriotism for the USA and the Trump movement. Hes also created an extreme macho persona in his debates and often says that his debate opponents are "beta cucks". Whether he is serious on this or its just a joke is up to you to decide. Finally he also often gets into drama with other leftist youtubers/streamers, which often degenerates into nasty insults and attacks.

      Hes part of the wider american "patriotic socialist" movement associated with people like Caleb Maupin, who are also not very liked over here. I personally watch his content sometimes, and while i dont agree with everything he says i prefer to keep an open mind and not just shut off different perspectives, but thats just me.

      • The problem with Haz and Maupin is that they let their love of Great Men™ eschew internationalist, pro-indigenous, racial, and lower-class solidarity. It's really obvious they have an ideological preference for the middle class, which gives them money-backed visibility but very little real proletarian power. All AES states leveraged serfs/lumpenproles as the bulk of their war economies and soldiers. It doesn't matter how good the appeals to authority are if you fundamentally cannot grasp the social and numerical importance of people living on the boundary between base and superstructure.

        Also Haz is an insecure little incel.

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