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  • It is half a bathroom

    No you don't get to ask why a bathroom is called a bathroom. It is like questioning the origin of a hot dog.

  • The real weirdness originates from any room with a toilet being called a bathroom despite many not having bathtubs.

    • Technically if it doesn't have a bathtub or shower it is called a powder room. But that phrase is rarely used. (Mostly because 90% of the time when we say bathroom we mean toilet.)

  • If you chop a bathtub in half and place the parts in different rooms, you can have two half baths. If you bring four such parts in the same room, you’ll get a double bath. Probably still not very good for actually bathing, because a half tubs don’t hold much water.

  • Showerthought: You could technically have a three-bath house with zero showers or bathtubs, just six little sinks all over.