Surprising Share Of Canadians Support EU Membership
Surprising Share Of Canadians Support EU Membership

New polling suggests Canadians are rapidly warming up to the idea of joining the European Union

Surprising Share Of Canadians Support EU Membership
New polling suggests Canadians are rapidly warming up to the idea of joining the European Union
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I don't think Canada needs the Euro or the Stability and Growth Pact straightjacket. We also don't need European xenophobic attitudes towards immigration.
Let's have a customs union, and let's have closer integration and cooperation, but let's keep our independence.
Signed, a dual citizen.
Yet Europe has way more immigrants than Canada, but OK
In absolute numbers, yes. As a percentage of the population, nowhere near.
European xenophobic attitudes
You know we're not all like that, right?
And Canada also has far-right nutjobs.
Yup. Like I said, I'm a dual citizen, and I've experienced being an immigrant in Canada and it's nowhere near what immigrants back home experience. But of course, Europe also has strong left and left-of-centre traditions. It just so happens that right now, they're mostly on the back foot.
Stability and Growth Pact
So, here's the Wikipedia on that. It sounds like it's basically a way to make the Euro somewhat functional, which is ironic considering that's the other thing you said to avoid.
I wonder how we'd rank. We have the best fiscal situation in the G7 at the moment.
Yeah works for me.
Membership of the #EU is a long term project with many intermediate steps. Some decided they are fine with a certain step and stay on it(Norway) some decided to get off completley(Iceland) and some decided to get out after they were in(UK). Though I admit brexit was, unnecessarily, bitter the rift is healing and we enjoy good relations with all.
Tough I'd welcome Canada into the union I dont think either side fully grasp how deep and wideranging ascension would be. Regardless I'm perfectly fine with a customs union if thats what #Canada wants.
I dont think either side fully grasp how deep and wideranging ascension would be
Precisely. Canadians are currently experiencing whiplash from the American betrayal. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with strengthening ties, full fledged EU membership is a whole other rabbit hole that requires sober thought.