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  • Honestly: leave Reddit to the bots.

    Anyone who is still there after all the bullshit, well, I would argue that either they're oblivious, or some kind of bootlicker, either way, we are probably better off without them.

    On an unrelated note, I hope Luigi gets Justice. I mean, he won't, but.... I can hope.

    The just outcome for Luigi is to acquit him. He acted in the best interest of the people. He was protecting and serving the people. He's a better enforcement officer than any LEO I've ever met.

    Best of all, he wasn't tasked with doing it. Nobody asked him to, nor did anyone pay him for his efforts. He's a hero of the people. IMO, his actions, while extreme, are on par with someone who saves a person from a burning car, or picks up a victim and drives them to the hospital so they can get to the care they need more quickly. Luigi just did it on a much broader scale. Here's this guy that's preventing people from getting to the care they need. He's like a bouncer for a hospital. So when an injured patent rolls up and the bouncer says "no" to providing care, it's reasonable to remove that bouncer by any means necessary to save the people that he's blocking from getting the care they need.

    Yes, he used methods that are unconventional. Yes, he probably shouldn't have. The outcome is the same. He moved the needle towards good.

    While I can sympathize with those that lost their father/brother/husband/son/etc. I can't sympathize with the man that was removed from blocking critical care to those who needed it, paid for it, and wanted it.

    Anyone in charge at any US insurance company: they're is blood on your hands. Do the right thing, or Luigi won't be the last martyr to go down for the good of the people.

  • lol in France we got the same but it's basically just one guy who owns all the media.

  • If the billionaires aren't getting mad at this, they are getting something good from it. Most likely in the form of extreme tax cuts (and the moral type of fraud). They'd have less capital but more for themselves.

  • They'll post this on a news subreddit where they all consume said media daily and see zero irony.