Spain turning Non EU products upside down on shelves in shops as a form of boycott
Spain turning Non EU products upside down on shelves in shops as a form of boycott
Spain turning Non EU products upside down on shelves in shops as a form of boycott
We should do this here in the USA too because American food companies make garbage food where everything has high fructose corn syrup and 50 other highly processed ingredients while the European equivalent has 5. Whenever anyone comes to the US, they always put on weight while not changing eating habits. That, along with shrinkflation and a number of greedy practices, I’d like to see these companies all go bankrupt.
As an American who has gotten to travel to Scandinavia, the food is so much more fresh and high quality. Even the basic stuff like a hotel breakfast or workplace cafeteria lunch.
It was one difference among a thousand others that I noticed when being there in person. I remember thinking to myself “what is this strange vibe I’m getting from all these cultural differences? Oh, it’s human dignity, respect for others, and in turn respect for oneself.”
I want to say “Europe, help!” but I know they have to protect themselves and the world from our shit show first.
“what is this strange vibe I’m getting from all these cultural differences? Oh, it’s human dignity, respect for others, and in turn respect for oneself.”
Oh how peculiar. I live in Finland and have found that a lot of those things missing. Tourists are treated well, yes. Regulations are good, sure. Food, air, water all fresh, good quality. Not too diverse though.
The stories I could tell you, you honestly wouldn't believe half of them. Things for which I would've had hundreds of thousands in compensations and would have had no problem finding a lawyer to represent my case. Here no-one cared that the cops quite literally tortured me, insofar that keeping me locked up for three days in an isolation cell without even a mattress or ever turning out the lights while denying me my prescription medication so that "I'd be ready to talk" is in fact actually torture. Especially because they saw me go fucking nuts there. I ate my own pinky open with my teeth and used it as a magic marker to draw over 300 words in my own blood on the cells. And the guard cackled at me from the comm for pleading for help and my meds.
I told this to my family, my friends. No-one cares. Literally no-one. Not so much as a "I feel bad that happened to you". No. My mother literally said "well I don't know what happened there" as in "you may have deserved it."
At one point, they turned off my water. Everyone should realise how legal it is to keep someone locked up without water, right? No no. Not a peep from anyone here in Finland. No-one fucking cares. Made a criminal complaint. Nothing. Tried getting the video material, as they dared accuse me of "vandalizing the cell". I said "well it was all filmed let's check it shall we, for evidence of this crime" and suddenly it didn't exist anymore. And I didn't make the request, some just law school finished scaredycat lawyer who I got did. And said the cops were really fucking weird and afraid when he was asking for it.
but no-one cares no justice not even admission that I was tortured, just victim blaming and people literally avoiding me because that broke me and I've had huge ptsd for several years, fucking horrible flashbacks and nightsweats of my doorbell ringing and being taken in the night again over a few cannabis bushes.
But I'm thinking you weren't in Finland, because you did say "Scandinavia", not "Nordics". Finnish cops are more authoritarian than the rest of the nordics combined. Quite literally. As in more complaints to EU human rights laws.
I could tell this was Lidl just from the font on the prices.
If I want to boycott American, buying Lidl and Aldi own brands is an easy way to do this, yes? I'm doing this by default because I have an easily navigatable Lidl that I can walk to.
Make sure it is Aldi Sud not Aldi Nord though
Lidls owner Schwarz is heavily invested in an Israeli "cybersecurity" start-up run by a former Mossad director. As always with Israeli "cybersecurity" that embraces "former" ties to intelligence, you should expect ongoing ties to Israeli and US intelligence agencies.,7340,L-3923098,00.html
These are the kind of people that helped get Trump elected.
One thing at a time. Lidl isn't necessarily in question here, it's the boycott intention. We do the same thing boycotting in Israeli products too.
You are pretending these people oppose genocide….the whole point of this is motivated by some weird racial purity concept
I am American and I am doing all my grocery shopping either at Aldi or from farmer markets now. Fuck Musk, fuck Trump, and fuck the US for falling to fascist oligarchy.
Glory to Ukraine. Glory to Democracy
Hear hear!
Yes it is
Can't wait to see some Teslas upside down at the dealership
Teslas are shit quality anyway, just like every other American car. That, and Tesla employees like to jerk off to videos Teslas are recording of naked people in their garages, although every car manufacturer is participating in surveillance capitalism.
But first set it on fire to get rid of the excess weight.
No need they will do that themselfs.
A single random picture isn't actual evidence of this happening at all.
I saw this in a Canadian article as well.
People check to see if they're American and then turn them upside down so the next person doesn't have to look it up. Not so much a protest as a warning to others who care.
is this a court case?
its still fun thing to see :)
On what
Is there a list somewhere of commonly found American products in European supermarket so that I can definitely not do a bit of this..?
I lose track of all the daughter companies and such that one should watch out for.
Here is a list that may be helpful
And if you were not totally against using AI, then you could load that list to Mistral, take a pic and identify things quickly. As per the photo.
minus Nestle (sadly) and Unilever
This picture is going through the net for so long, still German news are trying to convince its readers that there aren't many American products on European supermarket shelves.
TIL Garnier is affiliated with Nestlé. And here I thought I found good vegan bleach to dye my hair. Smh my head
Your picture literally shows non-EU products not turned upside down. Milbona is not an EU product. That should be clear to anyone with a single brain cell. What was the point of making this post?
People are doing the same in Canada with US products.
American here, good.
The rest of the world needs to start competing with the US instead of suckling its teat.
Everyone will be better off for it except for the conmen taking America for a ride right now.
“that’s illegal”
— Donald
Can we start a movement for this? Who's in?
Is there actually any evidence of this happening? Isn't this just a photo of a couple items upside down in a shop?
Firsthand accounts of my friend in Canada who I speak to on discord on the daily
The more people know about this, the møte they can do these things themselves
Like, you and I could do this to our local shop for example, although, I'd probably talk with the workers there first haha. If the workers are going to keep flipping them back then there won't really be too much point
I haven't seen anything like that in any store or supermarket here in Spain. Nor even hear about this until now. So I say it's just a couple off items upside-down in a shop.
You can be the change.
I asked my friend and in Canada people are doing this as well as other more aggressive tactics to flag American products.
Consider doing this in my supermarket.
As an American I implore you to start.
People are telling me to boycott Tesla and I'm over here like "I wasn't about to buy a $65k vehicle spontaneously but I guess won't now anyways."
I already skipped two/three products yesterday, one only after scanning it deliberately to find out whether I should avoid it.
Skipped products: Milka spread (Mondelez) and Schweppes. Bought European instead.
Direct action time
INB4 American companies redesign their packaging.
That shape would arguably be an even clearer indicator of american wares lmao
I wouldn't do it because I just don't feel like being that akward (it's already akward for me to be in a store).
But I do appreciate it, I do mostly buy store brand products so don't expect i'll be contributing much to the US brands.
all non-EU or just made usa?
All, EU+non-EU+US, I think, it's owned by the US companies.
Meanwhile Spain still provides weapons to Israel.
What, double standards and hypocrisy from the EU politicians? And I wonder who they're gonig to buy those weapons from.
Yea, they be "boycotting" US products while literally hosting US military bases in their countries.
Latest official statement from Spain as of October says they HALTED shipments of arms to Israel
the newest news on it would be this (not even sure about source on this one as its
where the US is sending Arms through their Military Bases in Spain to Israel with condemnation from the Spanish government as they cant control what goes on in US Military bases.
the Spanish Foreign Ministry said that officials “[have] not authorized any transit through Spanish airports of defense material destined for Israel,” adding that “no arms sales operations to Israel have been authorized either.”
Shipments through American military bases in Spain of military materials, which may be used in the commission of international crimes, are harder to detect,” Spanish lawmaker Enrique Santiago back then said.
When you come with some inflammatory statement the least you can do is TRY to back it up with something... oh wait.. I see the instance now..
There has been a whole scandal about this, Spain has been sending arms to Israel while the gov says they're not. In fact this scandal has happened like 3 times already, Pedro sanchez says theyre stopping the trades and theyre caught doing it later, 3 times already. This one is the most recent one, this was reported in Spanish and since it has happened multiple times, i get why it wasn't covered in English media.
Straight out of Zaragoza airport, not from a US military base.
🍉 = 🚄?
I only like my capitalism when it's homegrown
My chauvinism is better than yours.
Where’s the picture.
It was slow internet but only this one post wasn’t showing up. As soon as I got home things appeared