How many of these 8 men have seen her play? Or even know how to themselves?
Having played tennis for nearly a decade, I can say with some assurance that I would get served.
She would whoop me, but Serena Williams would most likely lose against the top 200 male tennis players…
Explain why this comment is relevant.
Winning a point is a very low bar. You don't have to beat her. You don't have to win a set or a game. You just have to score a single point. All it takes is a single mistake from your opponent to win a point. With enough time even the best will make a mistake, and tennis matches are long.
The shortest possible game is 4 points. A set without a tie breaker has 6 games. A women's tournament match is best 2 sets of 3. So at minimum a match of tennis has 48 points. You only need one.
If you're passible enough to return the ball some of the time, and do a valid serve you will probably win a point at some point. She may be one of the best tennis players of all time, but she's not infallible. Its really unlikely she wouldn't mess up at least once.
don't forget that it's possible to have an entire classroom of people so utterly inept in the field of motor skills and hand eye coordination that not one of them could serve or return a serve in the whole 5 days dedicated to tennis.
Unless she kills you before you can score the point.
I feel like if the best reason one has for how they might be able to score a point on her is "but she could make a mistake" they've kind of conceded that it's not actually possible.
Exactly. It's basically some "infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters" shit.
"Well if I had enough time eventually they will make a mistake and I'd get a point on a technicality so yeah, I could totally do it!"
This person remembers they have to serve too, right? And actually return the ball. They won't win just standing there and praying.
I don't know if one in 8 men even play tennis. I guess I would hit the ball but would it get over the net?
I know when I did tennis in gym class in high school I struggled to figure out how to keep the ball in the court.
The survey is specifying one game though, not a set or a tournament. I don't know the rules of tennis, but i don't think Serena will let a single point through.
Fair. If I'm serving, maybe I wait until she falls asleep and that's how I get my point
Whoa, there partner. You can’t read and understand the way the question was framed, this is the internet!
She is the kind of person that wouldn't disrespect an opponent by playing a lazy game, so 100% this.
The question is "Could you win a point in a game of tennis...". Technically it doesn't specify that it has to be a single game. You could play a million games against her, and as long as you score one point, you still "won a point in a game of tennis". Notably, it also says "could" rather than "would" so its just asking for a >0% possibility, under any circumstance. She is still human, so theres enough factors that something "could" allow a win. Is this completely overthinking this and going against the spirit of the question? Yes, but we're already talking about the absurd hypothetical of putting a random non-athlete in a potentially infinite number of games against a professional athlete, so...
You know I didn't consider this as a problem where games and time approach infinity.
You see, Serena Williams has a preset kill limit. Knowing her weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at her until she reached her limit and shut down.