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  • “Deadache” by Lordi ! I wouldn’t say it has their best songs, but it doesn’t have any definite “B-sides”, unlike most of their previous work.

    ( eg : is Hellbender Turbulence anyone’s favorite ? Dynamite Tonite ? I doubt that. Get Heavy is a much rockier listening experience. Some may even say it’s heavily front loaded.

    Deadache has a bit of a slump in the middle but it’s picked right back up by the final third, especially the titular song and Raise Hell in Heaven )

  • Without knowing your music taste I'll say some with more broad appeal:

    Third Eye Blind - self-titled

    Deftones - White Pony

    Boards of Canada - Geogaddi

    Radiohead - Kid A

    The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow

  • The forever Story - JID

    The Mountain - Haken

    Album Title Goes Here - deadmau5

    Samba Meu - Maria Rita