85% of Greenlanders say no to joining USA in new poll
85% of Greenlanders say no to joining USA in new poll

85% of Greenlanders say no to joining USA in new poll
I am surprised the percentage is so low.
What’s wrong with 15% of Greenlanders?
There seems to be about 15 to 20% of humans in every country that are irredeemable.
15% thinks it's not possible and thought it was a joke.
That's how we got in this position in the first place
Maybe part of them didn't want to answer the question.
Same as around that percentage of Canadians.
Wild to be polling people on if they want to be conquered and pillaged by hostile foreign government.
Crimea shows you want to do these before the invader comes.
Not as wild as almost 10,000 of their residents wanting that!
Less than 4,000. The 15% includes a 9% bloc of undecideds. The remaining 6% is getting preeeeetty damn close to Lizardman's Constant territory
how small is that population damn
did they need to have a poll for this? it seems crazy to me. can we just have a poll and then dissolve into another country?
If a country is sovereign and independent, its government can do whatever the fuck it wants, as long as the people don't start building guillotines.
What's with this thumbnail? 😆
Denmark and Greenland kissing to make Trump jealous.
15% are dumb or misunderstood the question at this point.
So like 146 people.
Closer to 9000. You number math's out to there being more people in my graduating class than currently living in Greenland. I didn't grow up in that big a town.
Why not ask them if they want to rejoin the EU?
Someone i know is adamant that only an official referendum can show that greenland doesn't want to join the us because all media is fake news.
I am sure this person then also takes the reasonable position of beliving that only an official referendum can show that Greenland does want to join the us because all media is fake news, ...right?
I guess we'll see lol
And the other 15%…?
Not Greenland, but the CBC did find a guy that wanted Canada to be part of the US. That dude's entire motivation in life was money and didn't seem to have any thoughts on any other subject.
They are reading Fox-News.
Greenlanders are at least 30% smarter than my fellow Americans. Congratulations and I hope to see you all in August (for a previously planned vacation, not a hostile takeover lol)
“Sounds like fake news to me” - some maga cuck
could they hypotethically defend themselves?
Only with guerrilla tactics against the US army, like Vietnam or the Taliban. They would still be occupied. No army in the world can stop a US offensive. They invested a lot in order to make it so. Fighting the US on a conventional war style is suicide.
The real pain to the US would come in the form of trade sanctions and loss of military allies in the EU and elsewhere in the democratic world. It would take a few years, because the EU and the US are pretty interconnected. Nato would probably be dead in the water.
After that it's speculation that US enemies would seize the opportunity of their isolation. The lack of trade would severely impact revenues and Americans would be in for the wildest depression of US history, with a likely forecast of IRA style civil war between Democrats and Republicans. If Greenlanders kept at it, they would eventually take the region back.
The US isn't a dictatorship, it's a democracy. Democracies don't usually fare well on offensive land grab wars for very long. So the US would either let go of Greenland with a new, sane president or become a dictatorship eventually. Lots of ifs in this scenario but taking Greenland would cause a lot of hurt for the US undoubtedly.
The US isn’t a dictatorship
i mean, eeeeeeeeeeh... its technically an oligarchy. which i wouldnt call a democracy at all.
They are part of Denmark and they could think about joining the EU.
I'm not quite sure if they are as a part of Denmark protected by the EU defense clause, but NATO article 5 should work for them.
The Danish minister of foreign affairs thought it was really important that Trump said in his idiotic speech that he recognised the self-determination of the Greenlanders: ‘(Trump) said (they) respect the right to Greenlandic self-determination, and that I think was the most important part of that speech, ...’
Like anything that Trump says matters (besides, if it did matter, being the bare minimum anyway).
The butt-licking is quite offensive.
I'm not sure, that this is buttlucking, but much more of showing publicly what the people actually want, because Trump would describe his possible invasion as liberation of those poor people - put maybe he still will do that, as there are seemingly 6% idiots
6% is minority. Which means they are oppressed. Quick! They need help!