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  • Don't know much about history Don't know much biology Don't know much about a science book Don't know much about the French I took

    • Don´t know much about geography Don´t know much trigonometry Don´t know much about algebra Don´t know what a slide rule for

  • The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

    Parasitic wasps will paralyse spiders and lay eggs inside them, then the spider will slowly die being eaten alive by wasp larva from the inside.

  • I'll have to put a pin in that and circle back once I've had a chance to look into whether I can think about looking for that information for you.

  • I may not know anything but as someone who knows something I can say that the thing is permitted.

  • The Greys are mad that they are now classified as illegal immigrants even though most of them were born here. They are getting even by refusing to recycle.

    • I was wondering what Jennifer Grey was up to these days.