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  • I grew up in the American southwest and I saw them for the first time last summer. I probably looked crazy to people, a guy in his late 20s taking pictures and videos of bugs along the road to send to my family, but I was genuinely mystified

    I thought I was seeing spots on the edge of my vision or something before I realized what they were. I always thought they were constantly emitting light, not twinkling

  • these guys are great!

    I was also blown away the first time I've seen bioluminescent bacteria on some strip would pass your finger by them and see the hidden binary encoded alien messages

  • It's been more than 20 years since my wife moved to the west cost and she still laments the lack of fireflies. Where-as, whenever I've been out east, I'm caught off guard by them... then I start singing Roxanne.

    You don't have to put on the gold light