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The secret is to use the towel to dry one's nether regions after washing them, not before.
By the way, it applies to women as much as to men.
You also just start from the head and go down to finish with your feet. (I know how that sounds lol)
Like it’s basic drying stuff.. no?
I try to dry my feet first so I don’t slip so I use two towels
That's what a floor mat is for. They make them in towel fabric so you don't slip and the floor doesn't get wet and slippery.
Not just drying, also for cleaning. You don't pick up the dirt from the floor, just to add more whilst cleaning the table.
The point being that if one needs to at the end go back up to the face to make sure everything is perfect, one needs not worry about the possibility of that meaning one is rubbing one's face on ball-sweat.
I mean at the end of the day, if you washed yourself well, you don’t need to worry about anything. It’s should be clean. ^^