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  • What lies. Trump was openly a piece of human shit and voters got what they voted for. The people that voted for him do get to take responsibility for the complete shit show we will experience going forward.

  • Well of course, because the only trait they were really interested in was that he wasn't the other guy.

    Politics has become tribalist nonsense.

  • Did we though? There was a whole lot of legally cheating (gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc.) and maybe some not so legal cheating as well by his election and judge minions.

    • It doesn't really matter imo, fascism is not something that necessarily gets voted in or out of power. Its a symptom of and reaction to systemic failures that attempts to preserve capitalism by whatever means necessary. It isn't something brought about by individuals or imposed upon the public.

      • Name one other person that could do the things trump is doing. No one is that ballsy, has that much fan base, or is in bed with Putin the way he is.

      • It doesn’t really matter imo, fascism is not something that necessarily gets voted in or out of power. Its a symptom of and reaction to systemic failures that attempts to preserve capitalism by whatever means necessary.

        This old canard. God forbid problems have any other causes. Loop it all back to capitalism, like evangelicals seeing Satan everywhere.

    • It should not have even been close. That is the problem.

  • They didn't vote for Trump, they vote for "whatever the liberals hate".

    They don't care if they suffer too. They only want to watch the "others" hurt.

    • One of my favorite quotes is "A Republican would eat shit if they thought a liberal would have to smell their breath."

  • Breaking News: Americans are idiots

    • Americans are racist, sexist, pieces of humans shit in the majority. They have proven it by voting for Puttin's rapist Orange Turd.

  • That's because fascists make you look at a problem and then suggest themselves as the solution. Whatever problem ruffles the most feathers will be part of their campaign. In Trumps case it's immigrants, deep state, and wokeism. The rest of his agenda gets ignored. Tax cuts for the rich, power to the president, imperialism, etc. It's all meaningless as long as you are mad at something.

  • Never let them forget. They are not allowed to be upset or plead for sympathy!

    • 100% American Voters get to suck it up for the nightmare ahead.

  • Bullshit, they do.

    At this point, he's not only irreprarably gutting and destroying everything for consumers, everything for the environment, etc, he is also beheading the military to ensure he can just stay in power after these four years end.

    Nobody does anything, everyone let it happen. Yeah yeah, sometimes someone resigns in protest, making it even easier for trump to do all this, and sometimes someone even speaks up and says the obvious: "I think this is bad!" Oooooh, color me impressed.

    Trump is speed running the USA to a dictatorship and with now the military gutted, I'd say its too late to stop him.

    Where from there? Once he has full control over the armed forces what are his limits? He can simply subjugate any country he wants. Don't want to be my slaves? Let me obliterate your capital and ask again. I truly see this as an option.

    Think I'm crazy? Have you been paying attention? You have christofascists in charge who literally want to see the world end so that "Christ will return" or some delusional shit.trumo is willing to do whatever, no holds barred, no limits so far. He's threatened Panama, Denmark and Canada and I guarantee you he'll be back to get those countries whether they want to or not.

    I'm Canadian, this situation scares the shit out of me.

    I think that right now, the USA is a bigger threat to the world than China and Russia have ever been. Its military is multiple times the size of everyone else combined, they have no sense of consequences for actions so nuking a nation is fine, what is the worst they can happen? Hell, I fully expect him to drop some on Mexico City just to send a message and for fun because the racists will feel there are too many Mexicans. Again, think I'm crazy? Do you really believe that Cheeto and his theocrazy guys would not be capable of doing this?

    They very very much are.

    I'm at the point where I think Canada, Panama are fucked within the year. Make no mistake though, the rest of the world will follow

  • Yep. None of us voted against him. It was a fucking landslide. I am sarcastic and drunk.