The RTX 50 Disaster
The RTX 50 Disaster
The RTX 50 Disaster
I can't wait for Intel to step up their game and for AMD to reengage. We really need the competition.
Cynical side note - anyone scraping comments doesn't care about your creative commons link, and will be happy to ignore it.
Not a fan of the phrase "virtue signalling" but it's absolutely that.
Edit to add that they have been around for some time are nice people so don't take this as more than the side-eye it is intended to be.
Maybe so but then they're committing a crime. If there is ever any evidence, like his comment shows up in a database, it is a slam dunk case
I'm sure that's never occurred to them before, that a comment like this definitely isn't posted in every single thread they comment in, and that they're incredibly thankful for your input.
Intel has great hardware in the Intel Arc. The biggest problem is their shitty drivers.
Their drivers are getting there. I have not heard many bad things about Battlemage's driver support beyond typical launch day bumps, and would consider buying one myself now honestly.
Their biggest weakness is that their entire architecture is built around dx12 and Vulcan, it has NO hardware level support for dx11/9 or older graphics API's. The largest problem Arc had at launch was it would run modern games decently, but even games a few years old would run at single digit framerates (if at all!) as their driver tried to translate older api draw calls into a newer API, and very poorly at that. They've apparently vastly improved that translation layer by now so it's no longer a problem.
Yep, agree! Would definately LOVE to buy an Intel GPU if they could get their drivers up to snuff.
I've watched a few Gamers Nexus videos where the Intel guys are interviewed and talk about their drivers work, good stuff.
AMD seriously needs to start taking driver support seriously.
Both my dad and myself have (begrudgingly) moved to Nvidia because we both got hit with constant driver timeout crashes. My dad also got rapidly flashing black and green screens countless times. I use my PC for work purposes so that kind of crap is unacceptable; I need absolute reliability that I can depend on.
Myself and so many other customers would love to see better bang-for-buck options in the GPU space like the good old days, but AMD really needs to sort this shit out. Intel has the excuse of being a brand new player that is working entirely from scratch, but AMD has been in the GPU game for decades and should know better. I mean, christ, their CPU division is basically printing money right now so they absolutely have the resources to fix this.
AMD seriously needs to start taking driver support seriously.
That's been an issue for them in the past, but not recently. Last I heard, the quality of their drivers has improved allot from two generations ago.
I game on an all-AMD Linux (Fedora/KDE) rig, and I haven't had one crash with any game that I play (via Steam/Proton).
I'm not gonna lie, if you're having continuous driver timeouts that's probably a personal Windows issue. I had some issues with my 7900xtx until I just fresh installed Windows (despite the install only being a month old) and all those problems magically went away.
Why? Even when AMD had better performance for cheaper long ago, everyone bought Nvidia instead. If consumers don't care, why should AMD or Intel? Mindshare is hard to beat.
The average consumer is not informed and they equate graphics to Nvidia. On a recent WAN show Linus was pontificating on whether tech reviewers even matter, considering the audience penetration numbers, and even inflating for the one tech person in the family spreading the message, compared to the overall units of cards moved, it was like a drop in the bucket, not even close.
It takes time to alter the course of the market. Intel has been shitting the bed with their CPU-s for over a decade and in that time frame the market has gone from something like 95% Intel, 5% AMD to ~60% Intel, 40% AMD. The average consumer doesn't really care about Intel vs AMD either, but somehow the market has shifted. We just have to hope Nvidia shits the bed for the next decade.
I'm looking for a new gaming laptop. It's impossible to find any with an AMD GPU here.
I’m looking for a new gaming laptop. It’s impossible to find any with an AMD GPU here.
I did a search on "gaming laptop with amd gpu" in DuckDuckGo and got THIS link that listed gaming laptops.
I'm sure that if you take more time than you did to reply to me to look for them, you'd find them.
Edit: Apologies, apparently the Netherlands are a no-AMD GPU in a Laptop free zone. My bad.