Just today heard that some restaurant in the UK switched from selling sushi to selling hot dogs. This is what I imagined that to look like.
Holy crap! That's one hell of a transition!
"Alright, folks! Sales are down, and we're changing over the line! Get that 5.56 ammo stuff out and get the baby pacifier stuff in. C'mon people, let's move!"
So, it's raw?
Weirdly enough, that's not the problem with this. The etymology of the word "sushi" stems from a reference to rice. The fact that there's no rice in it is the etymological problem with this, for what that's worth.
I mean, this is just using the traditional North American grain -- corn -- instead of rice.
Are you saying my culture is wrong?! /s
I've eaten a lot of raw hotdogs in my day. I wouldn't mind
I think I saw that episode of Futurama.