MapQuest Just Handed The Internet A Perfect Tool For Trolling Donald Trump
MapQuest Just Handed The Internet A Perfect Tool For Trolling Donald Trump

“Gulf of Obama,” anyone?

MapQuest Just Handed The Internet A Perfect Tool For Trolling Donald Trump
“Gulf of Obama,” anyone?
(Sings) I’m the…
I exploit you, still you love me
I tell you, one and one makes three
I’m the Gulf of Personality
God that song is so good. I gotta check out the rest of their songs.
"Ask not what your country can do for you..." (Because it ain't doin' nothin' for you anymore.)
Yes, we need a new party that is at least slightly left of center to have any hope whatsoever. If you haven’t realized yet that Dems are controlled opposition, well…I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
I realised that when both parties were publicly 100% committed to supporting Zionists no matter what atrocities they were committing. Even when the outcry from the left was such that committed dems were supporting other candidates.
The peoples party! We're in another Guilded age.
"Equal rights to all. Special privileges to none."
I'm with you.
You had your chance, it's ours now und damit basta!
TIL: MapQuest still exists.
I think that was the point. This is a brilliant marketing move.
Now I'm going to have to use them to print out directions for my next big drive. So nostalgic.
I used it recently actually. It was the one site I could plug in a bunch of addresses and have it automatically route me from furthest to closest.
Gulf of Gulfey McGulfface is my favorite.
That'll never get old. That may have been the pinnacle.of humanity. Kinda been all downhill since then now that I think about it
Finally, something we can all agree on:
GulfOf :
Gulf map generator : MapQuest
Explore and customize your own golf region map ...
Didn't hit a word filter on my first couple either.
"The President has invited you to the Gulf of Laogai."
Conservatives are snowflakes about a body of water's name change not being accepted, meanwhile their only joke is still some variation of the attack helicopter joke. At what point do you just OK boomer them and move on? Effectively that's what the "weird" movement was.