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It's nothing to do with individual choice and everything to do with design.
in finland we have bike lanes everywhere, still these spandex people be cycling on the roads.
That just means the bike lanes aren't good enough. No cyclist rides on the road to annoy drivers. No cyclist enjoys sharing the road with cars. They use the road cause the bike lanes are full of obstacles, dangers, pot holes, choke points, additional forced stops and detours you'll never see from inside a car.
nope, they are well designed and maintained. I know because I rode them for two years on my ebike. I think they use roads because they want to go faster, so they block traffic on 60 km/h zone by going 40, which is way too fast for bike lanes.
So the bike lanes aren't good for the speed they ride at.
But the roads, which were built from everyone's tax money, for everyone to use, are.
the bike paths are perfectly good for even 30 km/h in my experience, I don't go driving in the airport because I feel like I need to go 320 km/h...(but I absolutely would if that was possible)