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  • Pokémon Sleep is the only one I'm currently playing. It's valentines week, so I'm trying to figure out what team makes the best desserts.

    • My top dessert currently is the Lucario (Steadfast Ginger) cookies. My team is 2x Charizard for ginger, Ivysaur for Honey, Delibird for eggs, and a Mimikyu to keep the berries flowing. If i get high on one ingredient i swap in my Blastoise to restock my chocolate.

      My teatime scones are very close in exp art a much lower level, so I need to start farming some corn for them.

      • I need to find Delibird eventually! Those are only at the snowy level, right? Currently I'm mostly making flower tarts. They look so tasty, I so rant some of the desserts irl.

  • I picked up Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl for me and my wife. We also play Scarlet and Violet.