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(edited) - Should your morals be flexible? How rigid should your moral framework be, and should it depend on background of people in consideration

Old title - Tolerance - Is violence ever justified?

For reference - and all comments below the post about tolerance and non-tolerance

is it too naive for me to believe any and every lives matter? I do understand if someone is coming for my life, and i stop him by retaliating back, most nation's laws would deem me innocent, maybe even most people will - but was it right?

It has not happened with me yet, and this is post is not politics related, a general discussion about tolerance, but I dont know how will I respond to such a situation, Is there a correct approach?

I know in a imaginary utopia - we can have a society where everyone thinks any violence, or for that matter, any evil deed is evil. And I know real world is far from being a utopia, but i believe most people can differentiate between good and bad. In my opinion, most people who do such acts are not really doing it because they enjoy it, some do because they have to, some think they have to, and they have been brain washed.

I also think if we ask a binary (yes/no) question to everyone - Is violence justified" - most people will vote no. I know there would be some exceptions (even in perfect utopia's like N. Korea, lords only get like 99% majority)(/s).

Now if we change question - "Is violence ever justified" - many will now vote yes, and start listing out situations where they think it is valid.

This question was also brought up in Avatar. For people who don't know - should Aang (a person with firm opinions, and more importantly a child - 12(112) years old) kill Lord Ozai (for now, consider him embodiment of evil for simplicity, but still a human). Many shows get away from asking, by basically having monsters (non human) as the opponent, so it is does not feel morally wrong. But here the question was asked. His past lives (in this world reincarnation exists, and aang is the Avatar - person who can control all elements) also suggested he should kill him, and he is tethered to this world, and this is no utopia ......... In the show they got away with basically a divine intervention.

Maybe here is my real question - Is it correct to have your morals be flexible?

Now for my answer, I have almost never felt correct labeling people good or bad, I have almost always treated people depending on what the situation expects me to (maybe how I feel I should be treating). In some sense I have a very flexible stance, and in some others, I dont. For example - I never cheat on exams or assignments - I can't justify cheating, If I am getting poor marks, then I should prepare well. But If someone else asks me to help them cheat (lets say give assignment solutions) - I dont refuse either, as I have understood, even though judging people by a few numbers is bad, world still does that - mostly to simplify things, and in that sense, a higher grade for anyone is better for them.

I dont even know what can be a answer. I dont know if it exists, or it can exist, I am not really trying to find it either, consider this just a rant at clouds.

edit - I am not asking a binary question - you are not expected to answer a yes or no, see the line just above this edit. It is not even really about violence - it is about morality

edit 2 - Changed title, old 1 is still here for full context. I dont know why I chose that title. I am not blaming anyone who answered on the basis of title, It was my bad to have some title, and ask a "not really orthogonal but generalised question" in the middle, hoping people answer that, some one did, I thank them. Many people have written (or in similar vein) - violence should be be avoided, but not when it the last thing. I understand this general sentiment - but according to me - having a excuse to ever do violence allows you to have loop hole, just blame the circumstances.

Someone gave a situation where they would do violence - someone trying to assault a kid - and I agree I would too (If I would be in such a situation).

I had a small back and forth with someone about morals - my stance is morals are frameworks to choose if a action is moral/immoral. And then the question is really how rigid should your moral framework be, and should it depend on background of people in consideration?

  • My opinion:

    I think asking "is violence justified" in a binary manner means the question can't be answered.

    Not all questions have binary answers.

    Morality itslef is a quagmire of philosophy.

    You can have moral killing, and immoral pacifism.

    Rigid adherence to a moral code could lead to immoral acts. Too much flexibility in morals leads to amoral behaviour.

    Every life is important, but not to the point where it overrides someone else's rights.

    All of this is a spectrum.

    It could be naive, but that feels like a binary position on a complex matter.

    • I never expected a binary answer.

      You can have moral killing, and immoral pacifism.

      when can be killing moral - how much evil (and of what kind) do you have to do to deserve that outcome. I can somewhat understand immoral pacifism, but is it immoral to take a stand in a non violent way.

      Rigid adherence to a moral code could lead to immoral acts. Too much flexibility in morals leads to amoral behaviour.

      I agree with the latter, but I dont know about the former - there can be 2 situations - either your morals were not refined enough to tackle the situation - or you did not act correctly according to those morals correctly

      Every life is important, but not to the point where it overrides someone else’s rights.

      I get this, and can understand it very easily. Great point. But a problem is still there - who should be put in the deciding situation. As a society - In most places we have judges - who are supposedly wise - but they are just as much human, and just as corruptible. There are juries, but still a small finite number, who may all be thinking incorrectly(For example - 12 Angry Men) Can a solution exist where we dont trust any person, but a system. I dont trust a machine predicting likeliness. I can get by with a mathematical framework - but who should be the one forming it ? Constitution is one such framework - and assuming it has mechanisms to update it self - then it should be fine, but do the the people updating it not get a lot of power, who are again corruptible.

  • Since you used media as an example, let me use another common trope to answer. Do you know when in horror or thriller movies a character momentarily gets the upper hand on the killer by knocking them unconscious and then just tries to run away without even making sure that the killer is dead or at least arming themselves? Does that EVER end well?

    The reason that trope is so common is that it's very effective at eliciting the sort of instinctive emotional response that makes us as viewers want to yell "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?? KILL HIM!!" at the screen.

    We have that instinct for a reason.

    To answer your question more directly, yes, morals ARE inherently flexible. If they weren't, we would never learn anything or progress as a society or even as individuals. I don't know where the idea that someone's morals are supposed to be immutable even comes from. One of the core steps to psychological well-being is realizing that you have no direct control over your "environment", but you absolutely have direct control over the actions you take to influence it and the way you adapt and react to it, which includes letting go of standards and expectations you've set for yourself if you feel that it's necessary.

    Absolutes are not applicable in reality. You've mentioned utopias too, and well, the fun thing about utopias is that they don't exist. They can't exist. It's the literal definition of the word: "an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect." Dystopia, on the other hand, is what happens when you try to force a utopia into existence.

    Morals can't be absolute. Tolerance can't be absolute. Everything is flexible and eternally changing. It's scary and it's complex but people have to come to terms with it.

    • sorry, I have not seen much horror (or hardly any).

      morals ARE inherently flexible. If they weren’t, we would never learn anything or progress as a society or even as individuals.

      I dont think so. Why would morality inhibit progress. Stale knowledge does prevent, but morals dont really change. By morals being flexible, I mean - "Killing is very bad, except in so and so situations, you have to".

      but you absolutely have direct control over the actions you take to influence it and the way you adapt and react to it

      someone else also mentioned this, but i dont agree with this either, there are situations where you are blinded, in such situations, knowledge is not free, and only a few control it, and I find them to be the wrong-doers. If someone uses gun to commit crime, then these blind people are essentially just weapons.

      Morals can’t be absolute. Tolerance can’t be absolute. Everything is flexible and eternally changing. It’s scary and it’s complex but people have to come to terms with it.

      I agree with the scary and complex part, but i still uncertain about morals.

      • I dont think so. Why would morality inhibit progress. Stale knowledge does prevent, but morals dont really change. By morals being flexible, I mean - "Killing is very bad, except in so and so situations, you have to".

        You assume that what's considered "moral" or ethical hasn't changed multiple times throughout history and that it isn't subjective. Sorry to sound pedantic, but once again, it's right in the definition of the word:

        a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.

        And nowhere does it say that "morals" imply any degree of immutability. There are countless examples I could make. Just as a personal example, I never particularly paid mind to the suffering of animals until I adopted a pet. I never believed getting involved in political discourse was a duty until I realized how increasingly distorted it's becoming. Many people say similar things about having children, how the experience just changes the way you see the world, your perception of what is tolerable and what is not, and ultimately your perception of "right" and "wrong": your morals.

        If we as humans didn't believe that we can actually influence other people's conceptions of what's right or wrong, there would be no point to education, history, politics, philosophy, law, religion, art, literature... culture as a whole. We wouldn't have communication or civilization.

        My honest opinion is that what you're truly asking here isn't whether it's okay/possible for morals to be flexible, you're asking whether it's okay to stray from what you've always perceived to be the general consensus of what is "moral" and what isn't. And my answer is still yes.

  • Yes violence is sometimes the only answer.

    Edit: in response to your original, much better title (that was 100% likely censored by the neolib respectability police running world.)

    • Sorry to be rude, but did you read more than title

      • I didn’t see where you asked us to write a paragraph where one word would suffice….But, I suppose I can write you a few more sentences to appease you.

        Yes. There are many situations where violence is literally the only solution. For example, violence against those committing genocide against you is actually just self-defense.

  • You say that you believe most people can differentiate between good and bad, but note that people often think they are doing good while doing evil deeds. The human mind is exceptional at reasoning even against logic or facts when it is to preserve a positive self-image. You mention being brainwashed; often, people "brainwashed" themselves.

    Defaulting to tolerance, goodwill, and expecting good is a good start, but tolerance must end somewhere. Excessive tolerance will inevitably lead to it being used/exploited. At various costs.

    Flexible morals make sense. Different contexts require different adaptions. Considering them flexible or not may also be a matter of not including enough data points/context that sources moral conclusions.

  • The question is put on wrong terms. All social order is derived from violence. What make the law, the law is the menace of violence. What supports democratic institutions are the violence of police and military against who don't abide the order. So, violence is inescapable. The righ question is not if it's justified, but WHO and WHEN have the right to commit violence. When put under these terms, it's much more simpler question.

    • sorry to be rude - but the question is not about violence. If violence is inescapable - then for whom is the violence justified - who gets to choose that. I went into more detail about this on someone else's reply, but it is the flexibility is what i am questioning

  • I find reflecting on violence done to one's self is more complex, because you have full control over whether the suffering should be your own or an attacker's. And you may start reflecting on 'what's a proportional response?', 'is killing them justified when you don't know if they'd have taken your life or not?', 'might they not be responsible for their actions?', 'it's it better to suffer a little and give people the benefit of the doubt?'. This can get layered with all sorts of guilt and doubt depending what you factor in. 'did I contribute to the economic injustice that has produced this mugger who's attacking me?'

    Etc etc. It's a quagmire.

    I find things become simpler when I consider an attacker about to assault a weaker person - a child say - in front of me. Should I use violence to stop that attacker?

    Given that it now doesn't seem to be my place to reflect on the just suffering of a child, the obligation to stop the attacker with force becomes clearer.

    At least it seems morally clear (at least to me) that to claim to be a pacifist when observing a violent assault on a child, one is no better than the attacker.

    That breaks the idealistic (and naive) hope that there might be a way to be non-violent and just. After that, one has better tools to re-evaluate assaults upon one's self. If I am a person who through their actions reduces unjust suffering, then allowing myself to come to harm harms others and is unjust. Protecting one's self with violence becomes justified and necessary.

    (When I was a student I was an idealist and a pacifist. When I became a father it became quite clear to me that I would break someone else in half if they were hurting my children..)

    • I agree with you partially. I dont think bystanders should be judged in similar regard as the criminal. They may not know completely, or not in a position to fight.

      I have always been a pacifist. I faced bullies too, and my solution was to simply accept there doings, and withstanding whatever they did. Beyond a limit, they would just stop, maybe they were not entertained enough with me. But I would never suggest any to do so, It has given me a lot of trauma. I am not a parent, but I get what you mean, i feel the same.

  • I think you've drawn the wrong borders around concepts, and are getting tangled as a result.

    Regardless of how we'd like things to be, morality is just plausibly-generalised threat perception.

    If people habitually went around doing that kind of thing, would you feel threatened by that?

    If so, then you will feel the emotion of outrage, and you will consider the act to be Wrong.

    Killing people and taking their stuff? But I'm a people, and I like stuff - I don't want that to happen! That's Bad and Wrong!

    And that's the reason dehumanising the outgroup (or drawing a hard distinction of kind) is the first tactic used by oppressors: Oh goodness no, we aren't killing people and taking their stuff; that would be awful! Nonono, we're killing :demographic: and taking their stuff; that's completely different and can never come back to bite you or yours, so relax, it's fine.

    And of course, sometimes all your choices suck, thus the whole concept of trolley problems. Which threat makes my world less safe: a cold-blooded one-guy killer, or a useless five-guy allower-to-die standing there with his hands in his pockets? Are me-and-mine more likely to be in the big group of victims or the little one?

    The choice you consider 'best' depends on these kinds of questions.

    Threat perception is the engine that drives your moral framework. You can go and try to build a system out of words that will predict its moves, but that system is always going to be a crude imitation of the real thing, and there will always be edge-cases that throw up conflicts.

    Framing things in terms of how it affects categories-you're-in can be a bit unflattering, so most people try to bury it in their system of words.

    When you do get that cognitive-dissonance feeling where your gut and your brain disagree on what's right, it's generally because your words are too specific, narrowing in on little details instead of the bigger picture.

    It's definitely good to pause at this point, unpick the conflict and try to derive a wider principle that gives better answers - though you could fairly argue that this isn't really moral flexibility, just getting better at describing the morals you do have.

    Real moral flexibility would be reassessing threats in their various contexts, and examining which categories of threat go where in the likelihood/severity matrix, and letting that inform your emotional responses. And yes, that's a very good thing.

  • Thank you for this question and for being interested in there topics. It is very important that people think about and discuss such matters.

    I love your example of Avatar, it is a very good one. I think, after watching Avatar a few times, the most important lesson there is not the fact that Aang came up with a way to defeat Ozai without killing him (so basically "theres always an other way"). It is kind of implied that it was a "better" way, but noone can really know for sure. Maybe killing him would have been better in the end. The real lesson, in my opinion, is that Aang kept thinking and brainstorming and wrecking his brain day and night trying to figure out whats right and whats wrong. He didnt simply accept the opinions others imposed on him, even though almost every person he respected had the same one. He needed to come up with an answer himself. I think if we keep thinking about our decisions and try to see things from different perspectives without blindly following narratives or popular opinions, thats worth a lot.

    To one of your many questions, which was basically "does the end justify the means?", youre not going to get a definite answer because noone knows and noone can know. Some people might pretend to, but they dont. It might apply in some cases but wont in others. And even if it seems reasonable in a scenario, you never know the real outcome. As an example, if you had a time machine, should you go back and kill Hitler as a Baby? Sure, you would stop him from starting WW2, but you would commit an objectively horrible crime in that moment. Also, what if 5000 years later that leads to the world ending? You never know.

    All we can do is make as good a guess as we can about whether what we are doing is the right thing. If we keep thinking about our decisions and constantly update/re-evaluate our beliefs, we should be on the right path.

  • Violence causes problems that will have to be dealt with later, but sometimes its necessary to deal with problem that is too awful to let be. If you want to prevent violence you need to prevent the situation where its necessary.

    imo there is a line where flexible morals is okay and where its not and its not on same place for everything. Ultimately its about will it make things better or worse for everyone.

    I also dont think anyone is inherently good or evil but everyone has tendency towards something. The tendency comes from genetics, environment and random chance. Its up to them if they want to go with it or not and if they end up doing bad things and dont want to stop then they should be considered evil until they stop and repent. Though they can still pretend to repent so if threat they represent is big enough, you need to also consider what the risks are if they lie and get away.

    In avatar, (major spoiler) ::: spoiler spoiler aang lucked out and had the choice of having it both ways by just taking away ozais power. Without that option I think he would have had to just kill the guy or watch him destroy everything. In that situation, in my opinion, the destruction would have been partially aangs fault too since he could have stopped it. Otherwise you might as well blame anyone defending themselves from ozai for killing fire nation's soldiers. :::

    What makes this so difficult question is also that everyone has their own set of morals they live by. One also kind of needs to define what good and evil is, because there definitely is evil at least.

    While I wont push anyone towards any religiousness, there are some good points in some holy texts. If there werent, i dont think civilization living by those religions wouldnt have lasted very long. Unfortunately they are still words written by men and thus corrupted by shitty people, like that one part in bible about "you shouldnt rape kids" that got turned into something that was interpreted as anti homosexual. Religion has always been meant to "control" or guide people, but it isnt always malicious. Though getting the "core" message from some religion still relies on persons sense of morality since you need to know what to keep and what to discard.

    So maybe ultimately being good is about honestly wanting and trying to be good and being willing to adapt and change towards it. It doesnt matter if you dont definitely know what "good" is, you can "construct" it from what others think is good. Also, its critical you dont lie to yourself about anything, that is surefire way to lose your way. Educating yourself, being capable of media criticality and watching and reading many kinds of stories also helps.