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you either in the huddle or you out the huddle

Either you ridin' or we pass you, flyin' by sayin' fuck you


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  • If anarchists cannot comprehend the concept of the dictatorship of the working class, they can’t be useful in the long run. Anarchists are only prevalent in the western world. Supporting China means that you understand what a vanguard is.

    • my point is that it doesn't matter at all
      we are barely past the starting gun of communism
      the generations before us (in the west) got complacent and dropped the fucking ball
      at this moment, having anarchists as allies can only benefit the working class, they have better support networks, making a real difference to people's lives on the ground
      we can deal with our differences when we aren't completely outnumbered and outgunned by the overt fascists who are trying to kill us, and the movement dead
      and make no mistake, i will probably be in my sixties by the time that fucking happens, and you in your forties

      • I’m probably older than you. I cannot agree with you because marxism is scientific. Capitalism's downfall is unavoidable. When the material conditions of the workers become intolerable, they will need a vanguard. It's socialism or fascism. Again, if in the end, the anarchists are still against our vanguard, they are anti-communists.

        • i'm 32 years old and if you're older than me and hold to this ridiculous fucking idea then you are useless to us

          we are running out of fucking time
          this isn't a fucking game, this is people's fucking lives

    • Whether they're all-in on China or think that Xi is the anti-Christ, the end result is exactly the same: absolutely nothing whatsoever. There isn't a local left, much less a national left; certainly there isn't anything that anybody could seriously call an international movement. The opinions of random westerners mean absolutely nothing to the CCP. Fixating on what we have zero influence over is wholly unproductive.

      Maybe in 20 years we'll have cobbled together a movement that Beijing thinks is even worth offering a nod to, but right now we're a bit too irrelevant to worry about our place on the global stage.

    • you know what, fuck it, i'm done being nice to you larpers


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