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  • What benefits are you getting from injections vs tablets?

    • well i switched to diy hrt, because i was getting my supply from planned parenthood, and i dont trust that going forward. i need my e, i dont wanna be without it. if im gunna do diy, then injections are the cheapest method, and doing it this way i only have to think about it once a week.

  • ooooh I wishwishwish needles wouldn't give such genuine life-threatening fear feels, otherwise I'd totally do that... Actually... Imma ask.

    • OK, how painful is it?
    • How much do u have to inject?
    • How long do u take to inject fully?
    • Does it get uncomfy cold under the skin?
    • do u have to aim for specific part of leg?
    • do u usually have problems with the needles
    • how far do u have to inject?
    • do u just press in and pull out, or did u actually have to 1. Push needle in flesh, 2. press rod to insert fluid into blood 3. Pull out again?
    • okay so the process isnt that painful or cold for me, but i have high pain tolerance, however i hear the same from near everybody who does it.

      im using estrodiol enanthate, there are different formulas that will have different doses, my dose is about 5mg of estrodiol a week, and that ends up being a rather small amount of actual liquid for my formula. there is a really good calculator for different formulas and doses here

      i aim for the outer thigh, around where the muscle is closer to the skin than the fat, but some people do it in the butt, or stomach. there are two kinds of injections, im doing inter muscular, or straight down 90 degrees from the leg, but there is also sub dermal, where you go at 45 degrees and less deep. for my injections i go an inch deep or more.

      i hold the needle like a dart, and do it all in one swift motion, stretching the skin and coughing as it breaks skin, it helps to not notice the prick of the needle. going in one swift and smooth motion is best, going slow hurts more. then i press down on the plunger and pull it out when im done.

      there are more steps, this is the simplified version, there are much better tutorials online, i just wanted to answer some of you questions directly.

    • It sounds like what you need is an auto injector. I had the same life-threatening fear feeling and doing my injections was agonizing and took hours and involved crying.

      I figured there had to be a better way. Turns out online you can find devices that will hold a syringe and stab it for you using a spring loaded mechanism. I spent like $80 on mine.

      Definitely look into it. Injections only take a few minutes with one and there's no fear and less pain since it is a fast precise stab.

    • Personally I'm generally uncomfortable with needles, but not deathly afraid. I never look when getting vaccines or IVs. I got more comfortable with the idea of injections because my brother started a non-HRT injection that comes as an autoinjector and asked me to do those for him because he was too scared to do it himself.

      I inject 0.2mL.

      I spend a long time personally. I do IM injections*, but I can't do the stab in one motion. I've tried and I just sit there trying to get myself to do it and can't. Still probably less than 30 seconds for piecing the first layer of skin to having the needle out. Hard to tell since time probably seems to pass a lot slower.

      Never got cold from it.

      The outer half I'm the middle third is where you are supposed to go for IM. Not sure how subQ differs. I sometimes chicken out after it's like halfway in and just inject where it's at and that hasn't seemed to be a problem?

      Push into flesh, push fluids, pull out.

      Being in control helps a little I guess? I actually had have a medication I take by autoinjector and I kinda wish it wasn't an autoinjector. It's a short, thinner needle and I never see the needle, but it's still more uncomfy imo.